Source code for LFPy.lfpcalc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Copyright (C) 2012 Computational Neuroscience Group, NMBU.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.


import numpy as np

[docs]def return_dist_from_segments(xstart, ystart, zstart, xend, yend, zend, p): """ Returns distance and closest point on line segments from point p """ px = xend-xstart py = yend-ystart pz = zend-zstart delta = px*px + py*py + pz*pz u = ((p[0] - xstart) * px + (p[1] - ystart) * py + (p[2] - zstart) * pz) / delta u[u > 1] = 1.0 u[u < 0] = 0.0 closest_point = np.array([xstart + u * px, ystart + u * py, zstart + u * pz]) dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((closest_point.T - p)**2, axis=1)) return dist, closest_point
[docs]def calc_lfp_linesource_anisotropic(cell, x, y, z, sigma, r_limit): """Calculate electric field potential using the line-source method, all compartments treated as line sources, even soma. Parameters ---------- cell: obj LFPy.Cell or LFPy.TemplateCell instance x : float extracellular position, x-axis y : float extracellular position, y-axis z : float extracellular position, z-axis sigma : array extracellular conductivity [sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z] r_limit : np.ndarray minimum distance to source current for each compartment """ #some variables for h, r2, r_soma calculations xstart = cell.xstart xend = cell.xend ystart = cell.ystart yend = cell.yend zstart = cell.zstart zend = cell.zend l_vecs = np.array([xend - xstart, yend - ystart, zend - zstart]) pos = np.array([x, y, z]) rs, closest_points = return_dist_from_segments(xstart, ystart, zstart, xend, yend, zend, pos) dx2 = (xend - xstart)**2 dy2 = (yend - ystart)**2 dz2 = (zend - zstart)**2 a = (sigma[1] * sigma[2] * dx2 + sigma[0] * sigma[2] * dy2 + sigma[0] * sigma[1] * dz2) b = -2 * (sigma[1] * sigma[2] * (x - xstart) * (xend - xstart) + sigma[0] * sigma[2] * (y - ystart) * (yend - ystart) + sigma[0] * sigma[1] * (z - zstart) * (zend - zstart)) c = (sigma[1] * sigma[2] * (x - xstart)**2 + sigma[0] * sigma[2] * (y - ystart)**2 + sigma[0] * sigma[1] * (z - zstart)**2) for idx in np.where(rs < r_limit)[0]: r, closest_point, l_vec = rs[idx], closest_points[:, idx], l_vecs[:, idx] p_ = pos.copy() if np.abs(r) < 1e-12: if np.abs(l_vec[0]) < 1e-12: p_[0] += r_limit[idx] elif np.abs(l_vec[1]) < 1e-12: p_[1] += r_limit[idx] elif np.abs(l_vec[2]) < 1e-12: p_[2] += r_limit[idx] else: displace_vec = np.array([-l_vec[1], l_vec[0], 0]) displace_vec = displace_vec / np.sqrt(np.sum(displace_vec**2)) * r_limit[idx] p_[:] += displace_vec else: p_[:] = pos + (pos - closest_point) * (r_limit[idx] - r) / r if np.sqrt(np.sum((p_ - closest_point)**2)) - r_limit[idx] > 1e-9: print(p_, closest_point) raise RuntimeError("Segment adjustment not working") b[idx] = -2 * (sigma[1] * sigma[2] * (p_[0] - xstart[idx]) * (xend[idx] - xstart[idx]) + sigma[0] * sigma[2] * (p_[1] - ystart[idx]) * (yend[idx] - ystart[idx]) + sigma[0] * sigma[1] * (p_[2] - zstart[idx]) * (zend[idx] - zstart[idx])) c[idx] = (sigma[1] * sigma[2] * (p_[0] - xstart[idx])**2 + sigma[0] * sigma[2] * (p_[1] - ystart[idx])**2 + sigma[0] * sigma[1] * (p_[2] - zstart[idx])**2) [i] = np.where(np.abs(b) <= 1e-6) [iia] = np.where(np.bitwise_and(np.abs(4 * a * c - b*b) < 1e-6, np.abs(a - c) < 1e-6)) [iib] = np.where(np.bitwise_and(np.abs(4 * a * c - b*b) < 1e-6, np.abs(a - c) >= 1e-6)) [iii] = np.where(np.bitwise_and(4 * a * c - b*b < -1e-6, np.abs(b) > 1e-6)) [iiii] = np.where(np.bitwise_and(4 * a * c - b*b > 1e-6, np.abs(b) > 1e-6)) if len(i) + len(iia) + len(iib) + len(iii) + len(iiii) != cell.totnsegs: print(a, b, c) print(i, iia, iib, iii, iiii) raise RuntimeError mapping = np.zeros(cell.totnsegs) mapping[i] = _anisotropic_line_source_case_i(a[i], c[i]) mapping[iia] = _anisotropic_line_source_case_iia(a[iia], c[iia]) mapping[iib] = _anisotropic_line_source_case_iib(a[iib], b[iib], c[iib]) mapping[iii] = _anisotropic_line_source_case_iii(a[iii], b[iii], c[iii]) mapping[iiii] = _anisotropic_line_source_case_iiii(a[iiii], b[iiii], c[iiii]) if np.isnan(mapping).any(): raise RuntimeError("NaN") return 1 / (4 * np.pi) * mapping / np.sqrt(a)
[docs]def calc_lfp_soma_as_point_anisotropic(cell, x, y, z, sigma, r_limit): """Calculate electric field potential, soma is treated as point source, all compartments except soma are treated as line sources. Parameters ---------- cell: obj LFPy.Cell or LFPy.TemplateCell instance x : float extracellular position, x-axis y : float extracellular position, y-axis z : float extracellular position, z-axis sigma : array extracellular conductivity [sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z] r_limit : np.ndarray minimum distance to source current for each compartment """ xstart = cell.xstart xend = cell.xend ystart = cell.ystart yend = cell.yend zstart = cell.zstart zend = cell.zend l_vecs = np.array([xend - xstart, yend - ystart, zend - zstart]) pos = np.array([x, y, z]) rs, closest_points = return_dist_from_segments(xstart, ystart, zstart, xend, yend, zend, pos) dx2 = (xend - xstart)**2 dy2 = (yend - ystart)**2 dz2 = (zend - zstart)**2 a = (sigma[1] * sigma[2] * dx2 + sigma[0] * sigma[2] * dy2 + sigma[0] * sigma[1] * dz2) b = -2 * (sigma[1] * sigma[2] * (x - xstart) * (xend - xstart) + sigma[0] * sigma[2] * (y - ystart) * (yend - ystart) + sigma[0] * sigma[1] * (z - zstart) * (zend - zstart)) c = (sigma[1] * sigma[2] * (x - xstart)**2 + sigma[0] * sigma[2] * (y - ystart)**2 + sigma[0] * sigma[1] * (z - zstart)**2) for idx in np.where(rs < r_limit)[0]: r, closest_point, l_vec = rs[idx], closest_points[:, idx], l_vecs[:, idx] p_ = pos.copy() if np.abs(r) < 1e-12: if np.abs(l_vec[0]) < 1e-12: p_[0] += r_limit[idx] elif np.abs(l_vec[1]) < 1e-12: p_[1] += r_limit[idx] elif np.abs(l_vec[2]) < 1e-12: p_[2] += r_limit[idx] else: displace_vec = np.array([-l_vec[1], l_vec[0], 0]) displace_vec = displace_vec / np.sqrt(np.sum(displace_vec**2)) * r_limit[idx] p_[:] += displace_vec else: p_[:] = pos + (pos - closest_point) * (r_limit[idx] - r) / r if np.sqrt(np.sum((p_ - closest_point)**2)) - r_limit[idx] > 1e-9: print(p_, closest_point) raise RuntimeError("Segment adjustment not working") b[idx] = -2 * (sigma[1] * sigma[2] * (p_[0] - xstart[idx]) * (xend[idx] - xstart[idx]) + sigma[0] * sigma[2] * (p_[1] - ystart[idx]) * (yend[idx] - ystart[idx]) + sigma[0] * sigma[1] * (p_[2] - zstart[idx]) * (zend[idx] - zstart[idx])) c[idx] = (sigma[1] * sigma[2] * (p_[0] - xstart[idx])**2 + sigma[0] * sigma[2] * (p_[1] - ystart[idx])**2 + sigma[0] * sigma[1] * (p_[2] - zstart[idx])**2) [i] = np.where(np.abs(b) <= 1e-6) [iia] = np.where(np.bitwise_and(np.abs(4 * a * c - b*b) < 1e-6, np.abs(a - c) < 1e-6)) [iib] = np.where(np.bitwise_and(np.abs(4 * a * c - b*b) < 1e-6, np.abs(a - c) >= 1e-6)) [iii] = np.where(np.bitwise_and(4 * a * c - b*b < -1e-6, np.abs(b) > 1e-6)) [iiii] = np.where(np.bitwise_and(4 * a * c - b*b > 1e-6, np.abs(b) > 1e-6)) if len(i) + len(iia) + len(iib) + len(iii) + len(iiii) != cell.totnsegs: print(a, b, c) print(i, iia, iib, iii, iiii) raise RuntimeError mapping = np.zeros(cell.totnsegs) mapping[i] = _anisotropic_line_source_case_i(a[i], c[i]) mapping[iia] = _anisotropic_line_source_case_iia(a[iia], c[iia]) mapping[iib] = _anisotropic_line_source_case_iib(a[iib], b[iib], c[iib]) mapping[iii] = _anisotropic_line_source_case_iii(a[iii], b[iii], c[iii]) mapping[iiii] = _anisotropic_line_source_case_iiii(a[iiii], b[iiii], c[iiii]) if np.isnan(mapping).any(): raise RuntimeError("NaN") mapping /= np.sqrt(a) # Get compartment indices for somatic compartments (to be treated as point # sources) try: somainds = cell.get_idx("soma") except Exception: raise Exception('Call {}.get_idx("soma") failed in method LFPy.lfpcalc.calc_lfp_soma_as_point'.format(cell)) dx2_soma = (cell.xmid[somainds] - x)**2 dy2_soma = (cell.ymid[somainds] - y)**2 dz2_soma = (cell.zmid[somainds] - z)**2 r2_soma = dx2_soma + dy2_soma + dz2_soma # Go through and correct all (if any) somatic idxs that are too close for close_idx in np.where(np.abs(r2_soma) < 1e-6)[0]: dx2_soma[close_idx] += 0.001 r2_soma[close_idx] += 0.001 for close_idx in np.where(r2_soma < r_limit[somainds]**2)[0]: # For anisotropic media, the direction in which to move points matter. # Radial distance between point source and electrode is scaled to r_limit r2_scale_factor = r_limit[somainds[close_idx]]*r_limit[somainds[close_idx]] / r2_soma[close_idx] dx2_soma[close_idx] *= r2_scale_factor dy2_soma[close_idx] *= r2_scale_factor dz2_soma[close_idx] *= r2_scale_factor mapping[somainds] = 1/np.sqrt(sigma[1] * sigma[2] * dx2_soma + sigma[0] * sigma[2] * dy2_soma + sigma[0] * sigma[1] * dz2_soma) return 1. / (4 * np.pi) * mapping
def _anisotropic_line_source_case_i(a, c): return np.log(np.sqrt(a / c) + np.sqrt(a / c + 1)) def _anisotropic_line_source_case_iia(a, c): return np.log(np.abs(1 + np.sqrt(a / c))) def _anisotropic_line_source_case_iib(a, b, c): return np.abs(np.log(np.abs(np.sign(b) * np.sqrt(a/c) + 1))) def _anisotropic_line_source_case_iii(a, b, c): return np.log(np.abs((2 * a + b + 2 * np.sqrt(a * (a + b + c))) / (b + 2 * np.sqrt(a * c)))) def _anisotropic_line_source_case_iiii(a, b, c): return (np.arcsinh((2 * a + b) / np.sqrt(4 * a * c - b*b)) - np.arcsinh(b / np.sqrt(4 * a * c - b*b)))
[docs]def calc_lfp_linesource(cell, x, y, z, sigma, r_limit): """Calculate electric field potential using the line-source method, all compartments treated as line sources, including soma. Parameters ---------- cell: obj LFPy.Cell or LFPy.TemplateCell like instance x : float extracellular position, x-axis y : float extracellular position, y-axis z : float extracellular position, z-axis sigma : float extracellular conductivity r_limit : np.ndarray minimum distance to source current for each compartment """ #some variables for h, r2, r_soma calculations xstart = cell.xstart xend = cell.xend ystart = cell.ystart yend = cell.yend zstart = cell.zstart zend = cell.zend deltaS = _deltaS_calc(xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zstart, zend) h = _h_calc(xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zstart, zend, deltaS, x, y, z) r2 = _r2_calc(xend, yend, zend, x, y, z, h) too_close_idxs = np.where(r2 < r_limit*r_limit)[0] r2[too_close_idxs] = r_limit[too_close_idxs]**2 l = h + deltaS hnegi = h < 0 hposi = h >= 0 lnegi = l < 0 lposi = l >= 0 mapping = np.zeros(len(cell.xstart)) #case i, h < 0, l < 0 [i] = np.where(hnegi & lnegi) #case ii, h < 0, l >= 0 [ii] = np.where(hnegi & lposi) #case iii, h >= 0, l >= 0 [iii] = np.where(hposi & lposi) mapping[i] = _linesource_calc_case1(l[i], r2[i], h[i]) mapping[ii] = _linesource_calc_case2(l[ii], r2[ii], h[ii]) mapping[iii] = _linesource_calc_case3(l[iii], r2[iii], h[iii]) return 1 / (4 * np.pi * sigma * deltaS) * mapping
[docs]def calc_lfp_soma_as_point(cell, x, y, z, sigma, r_limit): """Calculate electric field potential using the line-source method, soma is treated as point/sphere source Parameters ---------- cell: obj `LFPy.Cell` or `LFPy.TemplateCell` like instance x : float extracellular position, x-axis y : float extracellular position, y-axis z : float extracellular position, z-axis sigma : float extracellular conductivity in S/m r_limit : np.ndarray minimum distance to source current for each compartment. """ # get compartment indices for somatic compartments (to be treated as point # sources) try: somainds = cell.get_idx("soma") except Exception: raise Exception('Call {}.get_idx("soma") failed in method LFPy.lfpcalc.calc_lfp_soma_as_point'.format(cell)) #some variables for h, r2, r_soma calculations xstart = cell.xstart xmid = cell.xmid[somainds] xend = cell.xend ystart = cell.ystart ymid = cell.ymid[somainds] yend = cell.yend zstart = cell.zstart zmid = cell.zmid[somainds] zend = cell.zend deltaS = _deltaS_calc(xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zstart, zend) h = _h_calc(xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zstart, zend, deltaS, x, y, z) r2 = _r2_calc(xend, yend, zend, x, y, z, h) r_soma = _r_soma_calc(xmid, ymid, zmid, x, y, z) if np.any(r_soma < r_limit[somainds]): print('Adjusting r-distance to soma segments') r_soma[r_soma < r_limit[somainds] ] = r_limit[somainds][r_soma < r_limit[somainds]] too_close_idxs = np.where(r2 < r_limit*r_limit)[0] r2[too_close_idxs] = r_limit[too_close_idxs]**2 l = h + deltaS hnegi = h < 0 hposi = h >= 0 lnegi = l < 0 lposi = l >= 0 # Ensuring that soma is not treated as line-source hnegi[somainds] = hposi[somainds] = lnegi[somainds] = lposi[somainds] = False #Line sources #case i, h < 0, l < 0 i = np.where(hnegi & lnegi) #case ii, h < 0, l >= 0 ii = np.where(hnegi & lposi) #case iii, h >= 0, l >= 0 iii = np.where(hposi & lposi) #Summarizing all potential contributions mapping = np.zeros(cell.totnsegs) mapping[somainds] = 1 / r_soma deltaS[somainds] = 1. mapping[i] = _linesource_calc_case1(l[i], r2[i], h[i]) mapping[ii] = _linesource_calc_case2(l[ii], r2[ii], h[ii]) mapping[iii] = _linesource_calc_case3(l[iii], r2[iii], h[iii]) return 1 / (4 * np.pi * sigma * deltaS) * mapping
def _linesource_calc_case1(l_i, r2_i, h_i): """Calculates linesource contribution for case i""" bb = np.sqrt(h_i*h_i + r2_i) - h_i cc = np.sqrt(l_i*l_i + r2_i) - l_i dd = np.log(bb / cc) return dd def _linesource_calc_case2(l_ii, r2_ii, h_ii): """Calculates linesource contribution for case ii""" bb = np.sqrt(h_ii*h_ii + r2_ii) - h_ii cc = (l_ii + np.sqrt(l_ii*l_ii + r2_ii)) / r2_ii dd = np.log(bb * cc) return dd def _linesource_calc_case3(l_iii, r2_iii, h_iii): """Calculates linesource contribution for case iii""" bb = np.sqrt(l_iii*l_iii + r2_iii) + l_iii cc = np.sqrt(h_iii*h_iii + r2_iii) + h_iii dd = np.log(bb / cc) return dd def _deltaS_calc(xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zstart, zend): """Returns length of each segment""" deltaS = np.sqrt((xstart - xend)**2 + (ystart - yend)**2 + (zstart-zend)**2) return deltaS def _h_calc(xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zstart, zend, deltaS, x, y, z): """Subroutine used by calc_lfp_*()""" aa = np.array([x - xend, y - yend, z-zend]) bb = np.array([xend - xstart, yend - ystart, zend - zstart]) cc = np.sum(aa*bb, axis=0) hh = cc / deltaS return hh def _r2_calc(xend, yend, zend, x, y, z, h): """Subroutine used by calc_lfp_*()""" r2 = (x-xend)**2 + (y-yend)**2 + (z-zend)**2 - h**2 return abs(r2) def _r_soma_calc(xmid, ymid, zmid, x, y, z): """calculate the distance to soma midpoint""" r_soma = np.sqrt((x - xmid)**2 + (y - ymid)**2 + (z - zmid)**2) return r_soma
[docs]def calc_lfp_pointsource(cell, x, y, z, sigma, r_limit): """Calculate extracellular potentials using the point-source equation on all compartments Parameters ---------- cell: obj LFPy.Cell or LFPy.TemplateCell like instance x : float extracellular position, x-axis y : float extracellular position, y-axis z : float extracellular position, z-axis sigma : float extracellular conductivity r_limit : np.ndarray minimum distance to source current for each compartment """ r2 = (cell.xmid - x)**2 + (cell.ymid - y)**2 + (cell.zmid - z)**2 r2 = _check_rlimit_point(r2, r_limit) mapping = 1 / (4 * np.pi * sigma * np.sqrt(r2)) return mapping
[docs]def calc_lfp_pointsource_anisotropic(cell, x, y, z, sigma, r_limit): """Calculate extracellular potentials using the anisotropic point-source equation on all compartments Parameters ---------- cell: obj LFPy.Cell or LFPy.TemplateCell instance x : float extracellular position, x-axis y : float extracellular position, y-axis z : float extracellular position, z-axis sigma : array extracellular conductivity in [x,y,z]-direction r_limit : np.ndarray minimum distance to source current for each compartment """ dx2 = (cell.xmid - x)**2 dy2 = (cell.ymid - y)**2 dz2 = (cell.zmid - z)**2 r2 = dx2 + dy2 + dz2 if (np.abs(r2) < 1e-6).any(): dx2[np.abs(r2) < 1e-6] += 0.001 r2[np.abs(r2) < 1e-6] += 0.001 close_idxs = r2 < r_limit*r_limit # For anisotropic media, the direction in which to move points matter. # Radial distance between point source and electrode is scaled to r_limit r2_scale_factor = r_limit[close_idxs]*r_limit[close_idxs] / r2[close_idxs] dx2[close_idxs] *= r2_scale_factor dy2[close_idxs] *= r2_scale_factor dz2[close_idxs] *= r2_scale_factor sigma_r = np.sqrt(sigma[1] * sigma[2] * dx2 + sigma[0] * sigma[2] * dy2 + sigma[0] * sigma[1] * dz2) mapping = 1 / (4 * np.pi * sigma_r) return mapping
def _check_rlimit_point(r2, r_limit): """Correct r2 so that r2 >= r_limit**2 for all values""" inds = r2 < r_limit*r_limit r2[inds] = r_limit[inds]*r_limit[inds] return r2
[docs]def calc_lfp_pointsource_moi(cell, x, y, z, sigma_T, sigma_S, sigma_G, steps, h, r_limit, **kwargs): """Calculate extracellular potentials using the point-source equation on all compartments for in vitro Microelectrode Array (MEA) slices Parameters ---------- cell: obj LFPy.Cell or LFPy.TemplateCell like instance x : float extracellular position, x-axis y : float extracellular position, y-axis z : float extracellular position, z-axis sigma_T : float extracellular conductivity in tissue slice sigma_G : float Conductivity of MEA glass electrode plane. Should normally be zero for MEA set up. sigma_S : float Conductivity of saline bath that tissue slice is immersed in steps : int Number of steps to average over the in technically infinite sum h : float Slice thickness in um. r_limit : np.ndarray minimum distance to source current for each compartment """ dx2 = (x - cell.xmid)**2 dy2 = (y - cell.ymid)**2 dz2 = (z - cell.zmid)**2 dL2 = dx2 + dy2 inds = np.where(dL2 + dz2 < r_limit*r_limit)[0] dL2[inds] = r_limit[inds]*r_limit[inds] - dz2[inds] def _omega(dz): return 1/np.sqrt(dL2 + dz*dz) WTS = (sigma_T - sigma_S)/(sigma_T + sigma_S) WTG = (sigma_T - sigma_G)/(sigma_T + sigma_G) mapping = _omega(z - cell.zmid) mapping += (WTS * _omega(z + cell.zmid - 2*h) + WTG * _omega(z + cell.zmid)) n = np.arange(1, steps) a = (WTS*WTG)**n[:, None] * (WTS * _omega(z + cell.zmid - 2*(n[:, None] + 1)*h) + WTG * _omega(z + cell.zmid + 2*n[:, None]*h) + _omega(z - cell.zmid + 2*n[:, None]*h) + _omega(z - cell.zmid - 2*n[:, None]*h)) mapping += np.sum(a, axis=0) mapping *= 1/(4*np.pi*sigma_T) return mapping
[docs]def calc_lfp_linesource_moi(cell, x, y, z, sigma_T, sigma_S, sigma_G, steps, h, r_limit, **kwargs): """Calculate extracellular potentials using the line-source equation on all compartments for in vitro Microelectrode Array (MEA) slices Parameters ---------- cell: obj LFPy.Cell or LFPy.TemplateCell like instance x : float extracellular position, x-axis y : float extracellular position, y-axis z : float extracellular position, z-axis sigma_T : float extracellular conductivity in tissue slice sigma_G : float Conductivity of MEA glass electrode plane. Should normally be zero for MEA set up, and for this method, only zero valued sigma_G is supported. sigma_S : float Conductivity of saline bath that tissue slice is immersed in steps : int Number of steps to average over the in technically infinite sum h : float Slice thickness in um. r_limit : np.ndarray minimum distance to source current for each compartment """ if np.abs(z) > 1e-9: raise RuntimeError("This method can only handle electrodes " "at the MEA plane z=0") if np.abs(sigma_G) > 1e-9: raise RuntimeError("This method can only handle sigma_G=0, i.e.," "a non-conducting MEA glass electrode plane.") xstart = cell.xstart xend = cell.xend ystart = cell.ystart yend = cell.yend zstart = cell.zstart zend = cell.zend x0, y0, z0 = cell.xstart, cell.ystart, cell.zstart x1, y1, z1 = cell.xend, cell.yend, cell.zend pos = np.array([x, y, z]) rs, closest_points = return_dist_from_segments(xstart, ystart, zstart, xend, yend, zend, pos) z0_ = z0.copy() z0_[np.where(rs < r_limit)] = r_limit[np.where(rs < r_limit)] ds = _deltaS_calc(xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zstart, zend) factor_a = ds*ds dx = x1 - x0 dy = y1 - y0 dz = z1 - z0 a_x = x - x0 a_y = y - y0 W = (sigma_T - sigma_S)/(sigma_T + sigma_S) num = np.zeros(factor_a.shape) den = np.zeros(factor_a.shape) def _omega(a_z): #See Rottman integration formula 46) page 137 for explanation factor_b = - a_x*dx - a_y*dy - a_z*dz factor_c = a_x*a_x + a_y*a_y + a_z*a_z b_2_ac = factor_b*factor_b - factor_a * factor_c case1_idxs = np.where(np.abs(b_2_ac) <= 1e-12) case2_idxs = np.where(np.abs(b_2_ac) > 1e-12) if not len(case1_idxs) == 0: num[case1_idxs] = factor_a[case1_idxs] + factor_b[case1_idxs] den[case1_idxs] = factor_b[case1_idxs] if not len(case2_idxs) == 0: num[case2_idxs] = (factor_a[case2_idxs] + factor_b[case2_idxs] + ds[case2_idxs]*np.sqrt(factor_a[case2_idxs] + 2*factor_b[case2_idxs] + factor_c[case2_idxs])) den[case2_idxs] = (factor_b[case2_idxs] + ds[case2_idxs]*np.sqrt(factor_c[case2_idxs])) return np.log(num/den) mapping = _omega(-z0_) n = 1 while n < steps: mapping += W**n * (_omega(2*n*h - z0_) + _omega(-2*n*h - z0_)) n += 1 mapping *= 2/(4*np.pi*sigma_T * ds) return mapping
[docs]def calc_lfp_soma_as_point_moi(cell, x, y, z, sigma_T, sigma_S, sigma_G, steps, h, r_limit, **kwargs): """Calculate extracellular potentials for in vitro Microelectrode Array (MEA) slices, where soma (compartment zero) is treated as a point source, and all other compartments as line sources. Parameters ---------- cell: obj LFPy.Cell or LFPy.TemplateCell like instance x : float extracellular position, x-axis y : float extracellular position, y-axis z : float extracellular position, z-axis sigma_T : float extracellular conductivity in tissue slice sigma_G : float Conductivity of MEA glass electrode plane. Should normally be zero for MEA set up, and for this method, only zero valued sigma_G is supported. sigma_S : float Conductivity of saline bath that tissue slice is immersed in steps : int Number of steps to average over the in technically infinite sum h : float Slice thickness in um. r_limit : np.ndarray minimum distance to source current for each compartment """ if np.abs(z) > 1e-9: raise RuntimeError("This method can only handle electrodes " "at the MEA plane z=0") if np.abs(sigma_G) > 1e-9: raise RuntimeError("This method can only handle sigma_G=0, i.e.," "a non-conducting MEA glass electrode plane.") xstart = cell.xstart xend = cell.xend ystart = cell.ystart yend = cell.yend zstart = cell.zstart zend = cell.zend x0, y0, z0 = cell.xstart, cell.ystart, cell.zstart x1, y1, z1 = cell.xend, cell.yend, cell.zend pos = np.array([x, y, z]) rs, closest_points = return_dist_from_segments(xstart, ystart, zstart, xend, yend, zend, pos) z0_ = np.array(z0) if np.any(rs < r_limit): z0_[rs < r_limit] = r_limit ds = _deltaS_calc(xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zstart, zend) factor_a = ds*ds dx = x1 - x0 dy = y1 - y0 dz = z1 - z0 a_x = x - x0 a_y = y - y0 W = (sigma_T - sigma_S)/(sigma_T + sigma_S) num = np.zeros(factor_a.shape) den = np.zeros(factor_a.shape) def _omega(a_z): #See Rottman integration formula 46) page 137 for explanation factor_b = - a_x*dx - a_y*dy - a_z*dz factor_c = a_x*a_x + a_y*a_y + a_z*a_z b_2_ac = factor_b*factor_b - factor_a * factor_c case1_idxs = np.where(np.abs(b_2_ac) <= 1e-12) case2_idxs = np.where(np.abs(b_2_ac) > 1e-12) if not len(case1_idxs) == 0: num[case1_idxs] = factor_a[case1_idxs] + factor_b[case1_idxs] den[case1_idxs] = factor_b[case1_idxs] if not len(case2_idxs) == 0: num[case2_idxs] = (factor_a[case2_idxs] + factor_b[case2_idxs] + ds[case2_idxs]*np.sqrt(factor_a[case2_idxs] + 2*factor_b[case2_idxs] + factor_c[case2_idxs])) den[case2_idxs] = (factor_b[case2_idxs] + ds[case2_idxs]*np.sqrt(factor_c[case2_idxs])) return np.log(num/den) mapping = _omega(-z0_) n = 1 while n < steps: mapping += W**n * (_omega(2*n*h - z0) + _omega(-2*n*h - z0)) n += 1 mapping *= 2/(4*np.pi*sigma_T * ds) # NOW DOING SOMA # get compartment indices for somatic compartments (to be treated as point # sources) try: somainds = cell.get_idx("soma") except Exception: raise Exception('Call {}.get_idx("soma") failed in method LFPy.lfpcalc.calc_lfp_soma_as_point'.format(cell)) dx2 = (x - cell.xmid[somainds])**2 dy2 = (y - cell.ymid[somainds])**2 dz2 = (z - cell.zmid[somainds])**2 dL2 = dx2 + dy2 inds = np.where(dL2 + dz2 < r_limit[somainds]*r_limit[somainds])[0] dL2[inds] = r_limit[inds]*r_limit[inds] - dz2[inds] def _omega(dz): return 1/np.sqrt(dL2 + dz*dz) mapping[somainds] = _omega(z - cell.zmid[somainds]) mapping[somainds] += (W * _omega(cell.zmid[somainds] - 2*h) + _omega(cell.zmid[somainds])) n = np.arange(1, steps) a = (W)**n[:, None] * (W * _omega(+ cell.zmid[somainds] - 2*(n[:, None] + 1)*h) + 2 * _omega(+ cell.zmid[somainds] + 2*n[:, None]*h) + _omega(+ cell.zmid[somainds] - 2*n[:, None]*h)) mapping[somainds] += np.sum(a, axis=0) mapping[somainds] *= 1/(4*np.pi*sigma_T) return mapping