Source code for LFPy.inputgenerators

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Copyright (C) 2012 Computational Neuroscience Group, NMBU.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.


import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import warnings

[docs]def get_activation_times_from_distribution(n, tstart=0., tstop=1.E6, distribution=scipy.stats.expon, rvs_args=dict(loc=0, scale=1), maxiter=1E6): """ Construct a length n list of ndarrays containing continously increasing random numbers on the interval [tstart, tstop], with intervals drawn from a chosen continuous random variable distribution subclassed from scipy.stats.rv_continous, e.g., scipy.stats.expon or scipy.stats.gamma. The most likely initial first entry is ``tstart + method.rvs(size=inf, **rvs_args).mean()`` Parameters ---------- n : int number of ndarrays in list tstart : float minimum allowed value in ndarrays tstop : float maximum allowed value in ndarrays distribution : object subclass of scipy.stats.rv_continous. Distributions producing negative values should be avoided if continously increasing values should be obtained, i.e., the probability density function ``(distribution.pdf(**rvs_args))`` should be ``0`` for ``x < 0``, but this is not explicitly tested for. rvs_args : dict parameters for method.rvs method. If "size" is in dict, then tstop will be ignored, and each ndarray in output list will be ``distribution.rvs(**rvs_args).cumsum() + tstart``. If size is not given in dict, then values up to tstop will be included maxiter : int maximum number of iterations Returns ------- list of ndarrays length n list of arrays containing data Raises ------ AssertionError if distribution does not have the 'rvs' attribute StopIteration if number of while-loop iterations reaches maxiter Examples -------- Create n sets of activation times with intervals drawn from the exponential distribution, with rate expectation lambda 10 s^-1 (thus scale=1000 / lambda). Here we assume output in units of ms >>> from LFPy.inputgenerators import get_activation_times_from_distribution >>> import scipy.stats as st >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> times = get_activation_times_from_distribution(n=10, tstart=0., tstop=1000., >>> distribution=st.expon, >>> rvs_args=dict(loc=0., >>> scale=100.)) """ try: assert hasattr(distribution, 'rvs') except AssertionError: raise AssertionError('distribution={} must have the attribute "rvs"'.format(distribution)) times = [] if 'size' in rvs_args.keys(): for i in range(n): times += [distribution.rvs(**rvs_args).cumsum() + tstart] else: for i in range(n): values = distribution.rvs(size=1000, **rvs_args).cumsum() + tstart iter = 0 while values[-1] < tstop and iter < maxiter: values = np.r_[values, distribution.rvs(size=1000, **rvs_args).cumsum() + values[-1]] iter += 1 if iter == maxiter: raise StopIteration('maximum number of iterations reach. Con') times += [values[values < tstop]] return times