Source code for LFPy.templatecell

#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (C) 2012 Computational Neuroscience Group, NMBU.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.


import os
import posixpath
import sys
import pickle
import numpy as np
import neuron
from LFPy import Cell, RecExtElectrode
from LFPy.run_simulation import _run_simulation, _run_simulation_with_electrode

[docs]class TemplateCell(Cell): """ class LFPy.TemplateCell This class allow using NEURON templates with some limitations. This takes all the same parameters as the Cell class, but requires three more template related parameters Parameters ---------- morphology : str path to morphology file templatefile : str File with cell template definition(s) templatename : str Cell template-name used for this cell object templateargs : str Parameters provided to template-definition v_init : float Initial membrane potential. Default to -65. Ra : float axial resistance. Defaults to 150. cm : float membrane capacitance. Defaults to 1.0 passive : bool Passive mechanisms are initialized if True. Defaults to True passive_parameters : dict parameter dictionary with values for the passive membrane mechanism in NEURON ('pas'). The dictionary must contain keys 'g_pas' and 'e_pas', like the default: passive_parameters=dict(g_pas=0.001, e_pas=-70) extracellular : bool switch for NEURON's extracellular mechanism. Defaults to False dt: float Simulation time step. Defaults to 2**-4 tstart : float initialization time for simulation <= 0 ms. Defaults to 0. tstop : float stop time for simulation > 0 ms. Defaults to 100. nsegs_method : 'lambda100' or 'lambda_f' or 'fixed_length' or None nseg rule, used by NEURON to determine number of compartments. Defaults to 'lambda100' max_nsegs_length : float or None max segment length for method 'fixed_length'. Defaults to None lambda_f : int AC frequency for method 'lambda_f'. Defaults to 100 d_lambda : float parameter for d_lambda rule. Defaults to 0.1 delete_sections : bool delete pre-existing section-references. Defaults to True custom_code : list or None list of model-specific code files ([.py/.hoc]). Defaults to None custom_fun : list or None list of model-specific functions with args. Defaults to None custom_fun_args : list or None list of args passed to custom_fun functions. Defaults to None pt3d : bool use pt3d-info of the cell geometries switch. Defaults to False celsius : float or None Temperature in celsius. If nothing is specified here or in custom code it is 6.3 celcius verbose : bool verbose output switch. Defaults to False Examples -------- >>> import LFPy >>> cellParameters = { >>> 'morphology' : '<path to morphology.hoc>', >>> 'templatefile' : '<path to template_file.hoc>' >>> 'templatename' : 'templatename' >>> 'templateargs' : None >>> 'v_init' : -65, >>> 'cm' : 1.0, >>> 'Ra' : 150, >>> 'passive' : True, >>> 'passive_parameters' : {'g_pas' : 0.001, 'e_pas' : -65.}, >>> 'dt' : 2**-3, >>> 'tstart' : 0, >>> 'tstop' : 50, >>> } >>> cell = LFPy.TemplateCell(**cellParameters) >>> cell.simulate() """ def __init__(self, templatefile='LFPyCellTemplate.hoc', templatename='LFPyCellTemplate', templateargs=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Initialization of the Template Cell object. """ if "win32" in sys.platform and type(templatefile) is str: templatefile = templatefile.replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep) self.templatefile = templatefile self.templatename = templatename self.templateargs = templateargs self.verbose = verbose if not hasattr(neuron.h, 'd_lambda'): neuron.h.load_file('stdlib.hoc', 'String') #NEURON std. library neuron.h.load_file('import3d.hoc') #import 3D morphology lib #load the cell template specification #check if templatename exist in neuron.h namespace: if hasattr(neuron.h, self.templatename): if self.verbose: print('template %s exist already' % self.templatename) else: if type(self.templatefile) == str: neuron.h.load_file(self.templatefile) elif type(self.templatefile) == list: for template in self.templatefile: if "win32" in sys.platform: template = template.replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep) neuron.h.load_file(template) #initialize the cell object Cell.__init__(self, **kwargs) def _load_geometry(self): """Load the morphology-file in NEURON""" try: neuron.h.sec_counted = 0 except LookupError: neuron.h('sec_counted = 0') #the python cell object we are loading the morphology into: self.template = getattr(neuron.h, self.templatename)(self.templateargs) #perform a test if the morphology is already loaded: seccount = 0 for sec in self.template.all: seccount += 1 if seccount == 0: #import the morphology, try and determine format fileEnding = self.morphology.split('.')[-1] if not fileEnding == 'hoc' or fileEnding == 'HOC': #create objects for importing morphologies of different formats if fileEnding == 'asc' or fileEnding == 'ASC': Import = neuron.h.Import3d_Neurolucida3() if not self.verbose: Import.quiet = 1 elif fileEnding == 'swc' or fileEnding == 'SWC': Import = neuron.h.Import3d_SWC_read() elif fileEnding == 'xml' or fileEnding == 'XML': Import = neuron.h.Import3d_MorphML() else: raise ValueError('%s is not a recognised morphology file format! ').with_traceback('Should be either .hoc, .asc, .swc, .xml!' \ % self.morphology) #assuming now that morphology file is the correct format try: Import.input(self.morphology) except: if not hasattr(neuron, 'neuroml'): raise Exception('Can not import, try and copy the ' + \ 'nrn/share/lib/python/neuron/neuroml ' + \ 'folder into %s' % neuron.__path__[0]) else: raise Exception('something wrong with file, see output') try: imprt = neuron.h.Import3d_GUI(Import, 0) except: raise Exception('See output, try to correct the file') #instantiate the cell object if fileEnding == 'xml' or fileEnding == 'XML': #can not currently assign xml to cell template try: imprt.instantiate(self.template) except: raise Exception("this xml file is not supported") else: imprt.instantiate(self.template) else: neuron.h.execute("xopen(\"%s\")" % self.morphology, self.template) #set shapes and create sectionlists neuron.h.define_shape() self._create_sectionlists() def _create_sectionlists(self): """Create section lists for different kinds of sections""" self.allsecnames = [] for sec in self.template.all: self.allsecnames.append( self.allseclist = self.template.all #list of soma sections, assuming it is named on the format "soma*" self.nsomasec = 0 self.somalist = neuron.h.SectionList() for sec in self.allseclist: if 'soma' in self.somalist.append(sec=sec) self.nsomasec += 1