Source code for lfpykit.models

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright (C) 2020 Computational Neuroscience Group, NMBU.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

import abc
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from . import lfpcalc
import MEAutility as mu

class Model(abc.ABC):
    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, cell):

    def get_transformation_matrix(self):

class LinearModel(Model):
    Base class that defines a 2D linear response matrix :math:`\\mathbf{M}`
    between transmembrane currents
    :math:`\\mathbf{I}` (nA) of a multicompartment neuron model and some
    measurement :math:`\\mathbf{Y}` as

    .. math:: \\mathbf{Y} = \\mathbf{M} \\mathbf{I}

    ``LinearModel`` only creates a mapping that returns the currents
    themselves. The class is suitable as a base class for other linear model
    implementations, see for example class ``CurrentDipoleMoment`` or

    cell: object
        ``lfpykit.CellGeometry`` instance or similar.
        Can also be set to ``None`` which allows setting the attribute ``cell``
        after class instantiation.

    def __init__(self, cell):
        self.cell = cell

    def get_transformation_matrix(self):
        Get linear response matrix

        response_matrix: ndarray
            shape (n_seg, n_seg) ndarray

            if ``cell is None``
        if self.cell is None:
            raise AttributeError(
                '{}.cell is None'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
        return np.eye(self.cell.totnsegs)

[docs]class CurrentDipoleMoment(LinearModel): ''' ``LinearModel`` subclass that defines a 2D linear response matrix :math:`\\mathbf{M}` between transmembrane current array :math:`\\mathbf{I}` (nA) of a multicompartment neuron model and the corresponding current dipole moment :math:`\\mathbf{P}` (nA µm) [1]_ as .. math:: \\mathbf{P} = \\mathbf{M} \\mathbf{I} The current :math:`\\mathbf{I}` is an ndarray of shape (n_seg, n_tsteps) with unit (nA), and the rows of :math:`\\mathbf{P}` represent the `x`-, `y`- and `z`-components of the current diple moment for every time step. The current dipole moment can be used to compute distal measures of neural activity such as the EEG and MEG using ``lfpykit.eegmegcalc.FourSphereVolumeConductor`` or ``lfpykit.eegmegcalc.MEG``, respectively Parameters ---------- cell: object ``CellGeometry`` instance or similar. See also -------- LinearModel eegmegcalc.FourSphereVolumeConductor eegmegcalc.MEG eegmegcalc.NYHeadModel Examples -------- Compute the current dipole moment of a 3-compartment neuron model: >>> import numpy as np >>> from lfpykit import CellGeometry, CurrentDipoleMoment >>> n_seg = 3 >>> cell = CellGeometry(x=np.array([[0.]*2]*n_seg), y=np.array([[0.]*2]*n_seg), z=np.array([[1.*x, 1.*(x+1)] for x in range(n_seg)]), d=np.array([1.]*n_seg)) >>> cdm = CurrentDipoleMoment(cell) >>> M = cdm.get_transformation_matrix() >>> imem = np.array([[-1., 1.], [0., 0.], [1., -1.]]) >>> P = M@imem >>> P array([[ 0., 0.], [ 0., 0.], [ 2., -2.]]) References ---------- .. [1] H. Lindén, K. H. Pettersen, G. T. Einevoll (2010). Intrinsic dendritic filtering gives low-pass power spectra of local field potentials. J Comput Neurosci, 29:423–444. DOI: 10.1007/s10827-010-0245-4 ''' def __init__(self, cell): super().__init__(cell=cell)
[docs] def get_transformation_matrix(self): ''' Get linear response matrix Returns ------- response_matrix: ndarray shape (3, n_seg) ndarray Raises ------ AttributeError if ``cell is None`` ''' if self.cell is None: raise AttributeError( '{}.cell is None'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) return np.stack([self.cell.x.mean(axis=-1), self.cell.y.mean(axis=-1), self.cell.z.mean(axis=-1)])
[docs]class PointSourcePotential(LinearModel): ''' ``LinearModel`` subclass that defines a 2D linear response matrix :math:`\\mathbf{M}` between transmembrane current array :math:`\\mathbf{I}` (nA) of a multicompartment neuron model and the corresponding extracellular electric potential :math:`\\mathbf{V}_{ex}` (mV) as .. math:: \\mathbf{V}_{ex} = \\mathbf{M} \\mathbf{I} The current :math:`\\mathbf{I}` is an ndarray of shape (n_seg, n_tsteps) with unit (nA), and each row indexed by :math:`j` of :math:`\\mathbf{V}_{ex}` represents the electric potential at each measurement site for every time step. The elements of :math:`\\mathbf{M}` are computed as .. math:: M_{ji} = 1 / (4 \\pi \\sigma |\\mathbf{r}_i - \\mathbf{r}_j|) where :math:`\\sigma` is the electric conductivity of the extracellular medium, :math:`\\mathbf{r}_i` the midpoint coordinate of segment :math:`i` and :math:`\\mathbf{r}_j` the coordinate of measurement site :math:`j` [1]_, [2]_. Assumptions: - the extracellular conductivity :math:`\\sigma` is infinite, homogeneous, frequency independent (linear) and isotropic. - each segment is treated as a point source located at the midpoint between its start and end point coordinate. - each measurement site :math:`\\mathbf{r}_j = (x_j, y_j, z_j)` is treated as a point. - :math:`|\\mathbf{r}_i - \\mathbf{r}_j| >= d_i / 2`, where :math:`d_i` is the segment diameter. Parameters ---------- cell: object ``CellGeometry`` instance or similar. x: ndarray of floats x-position of measurement sites (µm) y: ndarray of floats y-position of measurement sites (µm) z: ndarray of floats z-position of measurement sites (µm) sigma: float > 0 scalar extracellular conductivity (S/m) See also -------- LinearModel LineSourcePotential RecExtElectrode Examples -------- Compute the current dipole moment of a 3-compartment neuron model: >>> import numpy as np >>> from lfpykit import CellGeometry, PointSourcePotential >>> n_seg = 3 >>> cell = CellGeometry(x=np.array([[0.]*2]*n_seg), y=np.array([[0.]*2]*n_seg), z=np.array([[10.*x, 10.*(x+1)] for x in range(n_seg)]), d=np.array([1.]*n_seg)) >>> psp = PointSourcePotential(cell, x=np.ones(10)*10, y=np.zeros(10), z=np.arange(10)*10, sigma=0.3) >>> M = psp.get_transformation_matrix() >>> imem = np.array([[-1., 1.], [0., 0.], [1., -1.]]) >>> V_ex = M @ imem >>> V_ex array([[-0.01387397, 0.01387397], [-0.00901154, 0.00901154], [ 0.00901154, -0.00901154], [ 0.01387397, -0.01387397], [ 0.00742668, -0.00742668], [ 0.00409718, -0.00409718], [ 0.00254212, -0.00254212], [ 0.00172082, -0.00172082], [ 0.00123933, -0.00123933], [ 0.00093413, -0.00093413]]) References ---------- .. [1] Linden H, Hagen E, Leski S, Norheim ES, Pettersen KH, Einevoll GT (2014) LFPy: a tool for biophysical simulation of extracellular potentials generated by detailed model neurons. Front. Neuroinform. 7:41. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2013.00041 .. [2] Hagen E, Næss S, Ness TV and Einevoll GT (2018) Multimodal Modeling of Neural Network Activity: Computing LFP, ECoG, EEG, and MEG Signals With LFPy 2.0. Front. Neuroinform. 12:92. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2018.00092 ''' def __init__(self, cell, x, y, z, sigma=0.3): super().__init__(cell=cell) # check input assert np.all([isinstance(x, np.ndarray), isinstance(y, np.ndarray), isinstance(z, np.ndarray)]), \ 'x, y and z must be of type numpy.ndarray' assert x.ndim == y.ndim == z.ndim == 1, \ 'x, y and z must be of shape (n_coords, )' assert x.shape == y.shape == z.shape, \ 'x, y and z must contain the same number of elements' assert isinstance(sigma, float) and sigma > 0, \ 'sigma must be a float number greater than zero' # set attributes self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.sigma = sigma
[docs] def get_transformation_matrix(self): ''' Get linear response matrix Returns ------- response_matrix: ndarray shape (n_coords, n_seg) ndarray Raises ------ AttributeError if ``cell is None`` ''' if self.cell is None: raise AttributeError( '{}.cell is None'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) if self.cell.d.ndim == 2: r_limit = self.cell.d.mean(axis=-1) / 2 else: r_limit = self.cell.d / 2 M = np.empty((self.x.size, self.cell.x.shape[0])) for j in range(self.x.size): M[j, :] = lfpcalc.calc_lfp_pointsource(cell_x=self.cell.x, cell_y=self.cell.y, cell_z=self.cell.z, x=self.x[j], y=self.y[j], z=self.z[j], sigma=self.sigma, r_limit=r_limit) return M
[docs]class LineSourcePotential(LinearModel): ''' ``LinearModel`` subclass that defines a 2D linear response matrix :math:`\\mathbf{M}` between transmembrane current array :math:`\\mathbf{I}` (nA) of a multicompartment neuron model and the corresponding extracellular electric potential :math:`\\mathbf{V}_{ex}` (mV) as .. math:: \\mathbf{V}_{ex} = \\mathbf{M} \\mathbf{I} The current :math:`\\mathbf{I}` is an ndarray of shape (n_seg, n_tsteps) with unit (nA), and each row indexed by :math:`j` of :math:`\\mathbf{V}_{ex}` represents the electric potential at each measurement site for every time step. The elements of :math:`\\mathbf{M}` are computed as .. math:: M_{ji} = \\frac{1}{ 4 \\pi \\sigma L_i } \\log \\left| \\frac{\\sqrt{h_{ji}^2+r_{ji}^2}-h_{ji} }{ \\sqrt{l_{ji}^2+r_{ji}^2}-l_{ji}} \\right| Segment length is denoted :math:`L_i`, perpendicular distance from the electrode point contact to the axis of the line segment is denoted :math:`r_{ji}`, longitudinal distance measured from the start of the segment is denoted :math:`h_{ji}`, and longitudinal distance from the other end of the segment is denoted :math:`l_{ji}= L_i + h_{ji}` [1]_, [2]_. Assumptions: - the extracellular conductivity :math:`\\sigma` is infinite, homogeneous, frequency independent (linear) and isotropic - each segment is treated as a straight line source with homogeneous current density between its start and end point coordinate - each measurement site :math:`\\mathbf{r}_j = (x_j, y_j, z_j)` is treated as a point - The minimum distance to a line source is set equal to segment radius. Parameters ---------- cell: object CellGeometry instance or similar. x: ndarray of floats x-position of measurement sites (µm) y: ndarray of floats y-position of measurement sites (µm) z: ndarray of floats z-position of measurement sites (µm) sigma: float > 0 scalar extracellular conductivity (S/m) See also -------- LinearModel PointSourcePotential RecExtElectrode Examples -------- Compute the current dipole moment of a 3-compartment neuron model: >>> import numpy as np >>> from lfpykit import CellGeometry, LineSourcePotential >>> n_seg = 3 >>> cell = CellGeometry(x=np.array([[0.]*2]*n_seg), y=np.array([[0.]*2]*n_seg), z=np.array([[10.*x, 10.*(x+1)] for x in range(n_seg)]), d=np.array([1.]*n_seg)) >>> lsp = LineSourcePotential(cell, x=np.ones(10)*10, y=np.zeros(10), z=np.arange(10)*10, sigma=0.3) >>> M = lsp.get_transformation_matrix() >>> imem = np.array([[-1., 1.], [0., 0.], [1., -1.]]) >>> V_ex = M @ imem >>> V_ex array([[-0.01343699, 0.01343699], [-0.0084647 , 0.0084647 ], [ 0.0084647 , -0.0084647 ], [ 0.01343699, -0.01343699], [ 0.00758627, -0.00758627], [ 0.00416681, -0.00416681], [ 0.002571 , -0.002571 ], [ 0.00173439, -0.00173439], [ 0.00124645, -0.00124645], [ 0.0009382 , -0.0009382 ]]) References ---------- .. [1] Linden H, Hagen E, Leski S, Norheim ES, Pettersen KH, Einevoll GT (2014) LFPy: a tool for biophysical simulation of extracellular potentials generated by detailed model neurons. Front. Neuroinform. 7:41. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2013.00041 .. [2] Hagen E, Næss S, Ness TV and Einevoll GT (2018) Multimodal Modeling of Neural Network Activity: Computing LFP, ECoG, EEG, and MEG Signals With LFPy 2.0. Front. Neuroinform. 12:92. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2018.00092 ''' def __init__(self, cell, x, y, z, sigma=0.3): super().__init__(cell=cell) # check input assert np.all([isinstance(x, np.ndarray), isinstance(y, np.ndarray), isinstance(z, np.ndarray)]), \ 'x, y and z must be of type numpy.ndarray' assert x.ndim == y.ndim == z.ndim == 1, \ 'x, y and z must be of shape (n_coords, )' assert x.shape == y.shape == z.shape, \ 'x, y and z must contain the same number of elements' assert isinstance(sigma, float) and sigma > 0, \ 'sigma must be a float number greater than zero' # set attributes self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.sigma = sigma
[docs] def get_transformation_matrix(self): ''' Get linear response matrix Returns ------- response_matrix: ndarray shape (n_coords, n_seg) ndarray Raises ------ AttributeError if ``cell is None`` ''' if self.cell is None: raise AttributeError( '{}.cell is None'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) if self.cell.d.ndim == 2: r_limit = self.cell.d.mean(axis=-1) / 2 else: r_limit = self.cell.d / 2 def _get_transform(cell_x, cell_y, cell_z, x, y, z, sigma, r_limit): M = np.empty((x.size, cell_x.shape[0])) for j in range(x.size): M[j, :] = lfpcalc.calc_lfp_linesource(cell_x=cell_x, cell_y=cell_y, cell_z=cell_z, x=x[j], y=y[j], z=z[j], sigma=sigma, r_limit=r_limit) return M return _get_transform(cell_x=self.cell.x, cell_y=self.cell.y, cell_z=self.cell.z, x=self.x, y=self.y, z=self.z, sigma=self.sigma, r_limit=r_limit)
[docs]class RecExtElectrode(LinearModel): """class RecExtElectrode Main class that represents an extracellular electric recording devices such as a laminar probe. This class is a ``LinearModel`` subclass that defines a 2D linear response matrix :math:`\\mathbf{M}` between transmembrane current array :math:`\\mathbf{I}` (nA) of a multicompartment neuron model and the corresponding extracellular electric potential :math:`\\mathbf{V}_{ex}` (mV) as .. math:: \\mathbf{V}_{ex} = \\mathbf{M} \\mathbf{I} The current :math:`\\mathbf{I}` is an ndarray of shape (n_seg, n_tsteps) with unit (nA), and each row indexed by :math:`j` of :math:`\\mathbf{V}_{ex}` represents the electric potential at each measurement site for every time step. The class differ from ``PointSourcePotential`` and ``LineSourcePotential`` by: - supporting anisotropic volume conductors [1]_ - supporting probe geometry specifications using ``MEAutility`` (, - supporting electrode contact points with finite extents [2]_, [3]_ - switching between point- and linesources, and a combined method that assumes that the root element at segment index 0 is spherical. See also -------- LinearModel PointSourcePotential LineSourcePotential Parameters ---------- cell: object ``CellGeometry`` instance or similar. sigma: float or list/ndarray of floats extracellular conductivity in units of (S/m). A scalar value implies an isotropic extracellular conductivity. If a length 3 list or array of floats is provided, these values corresponds to an anisotropic conductor with conductivities :math:`[\\sigma_x,\\sigma_y,\\sigma_z]`. probe: MEAutility MEA object or None MEAutility probe object x, y, z: ndarray coordinates or same length arrays of coordinates in units of (µm). N: None or list of lists Normal vectors [x, y, z] of each circular electrode contact surface, default None r: float radius of each contact surface, default None (µm) n: int if N is not None and r > 0, the number of discrete points used to compute the n-point average potential on each circular contact point. contact_shape: str 'circle'/'square' (default 'circle') defines the contact point shape If 'circle' r is the radius, if 'square' r is the side length method: str switch between the assumption of 'linesource', 'pointsource', 'root_as_point' to represent each compartment when computing extracellular potentials verbose: bool Flag for verbose output, i.e., print more information seedvalue: int random seed when finding random position on contact with r > 0 **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments parsed to `RecExtElectrode.lfp_method()` which is determined by `method` parameter. Examples -------- Mock cell geometry and transmembrane currents: >>> import numpy as np >>> from lfpykit import CellGeometry, RecExtElectrode >>> # cell geometry with three segments (µm) >>> cell = CellGeometry(x=np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]), >>> y=np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]), >>> z=np.array([[0, 10], [10, 20], [20, 30]]), >>> d=np.array([1, 1, 1])) >>> # transmembrane currents, three time steps (nA) >>> I_m = np.array([[0., -1., 1.], [-1., 1., 0.], [1., 0., -1.]]) >>> # electrode locations (µm) >>> r = np.array([[28.24653166, 8.97563241, 18.9492774, 3.47296614, >>> 1.20517729, 9.59849603, 21.91956616, 29.84686727, >>> 4.41045505, 3.61146625], >>> [24.4954352, 24.04977922, 22.41262238, 10.09702942, >>> 3.28610789, 23.50277637, 8.14044367, 4.46909208, >>> 10.93270117, 24.94698813], >>> [19.16644585, 15.20196335, 18.08924828, 24.22864702, >>> 5.85216751, 14.8231048, 24.72666694, 17.77573431, >>> 29.34508292, 9.28381892]]) >>> # instantiate electrode, get linear response matrix >>> el = RecExtElectrode(cell=cell, x=r[0, ], y=r[1, ], z=r[2, ], >>> sigma=0.3, >>> method='pointsource') >>> M = el.get_transformation_matrix() >>> # compute extracellular potential >>> M @ I_m array([[-4.11657148e-05, 4.16621950e-04, -3.75456235e-04], [-6.79014892e-04, 7.30256301e-04, -5.12414088e-05], [-1.90930536e-04, 7.34007655e-04, -5.43077119e-04], [ 5.98270144e-03, 6.73490846e-03, -1.27176099e-02], [-1.34547752e-02, -4.65520036e-02, 6.00067788e-02], [-7.49957880e-04, 7.03763787e-04, 4.61940938e-05], [ 8.69330232e-04, 1.80346156e-03, -2.67279180e-03], [-2.04546513e-04, 6.58419628e-04, -4.53873115e-04], [ 6.82640209e-03, 4.47953560e-03, -1.13059377e-02], [-1.33289553e-03, -1.11818140e-04, 1.44471367e-03]]) Compute extracellular potentials after simulating and storage of transmembrane currents with the LFPy.Cell class: >>> import os >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import LFPy >>> from lfpykit import CellGeometry, RecExtElectrode >>> >>> cellParameters = { >>> 'morphology': os.path.join(LFPy.__path__[0], 'test', >>> 'ball_and_sticks.hoc'), >>> 'v_init': -65, # initial voltage >>> 'cm': 1.0, # membrane capacitance >>> 'Ra': 150, # axial resistivity >>> 'passive': True, # insert passive channels >>> 'passive_parameters': {"g_pas":1./3E4, >>> "e_pas":-65}, # passive params >>> 'dt': 2**-4, # simulation time res >>> 'tstart': 0., # start t of simulation >>> 'tstop': 50., # end t of simulation >>> } >>> cell = LFPy.Cell(**cellParameters) >>> >>> synapseParameters = { >>> 'idx': cell.get_closest_idx(x=0, y=0, z=800), # segment >>> 'e': 0, # reversal potential >>> 'syntype': 'ExpSyn', # synapse type >>> 'tau': 2, # syn. time constant >>> 'weight': 0.01, # syn. weight >>> 'record_current': True # syn. current record >>> } >>> synapse = LFPy.Synapse(cell, **synapseParameters) >>> synapse.set_spike_times(np.array([10., 15., 20., 25.])) >>> >>> cell.simulate(rec_imem=True) >>> >>> N = np.empty((16, 3)) >>> for i in range(N.shape[0]): N[i,] = [1, 0, 0] # normal vectors >>> electrodeParameters = { # parameters for RecExtElectrode class >>> 'sigma': 0.3, # Extracellular potential >>> 'x': np.zeros(16)+25, # Coordinates of electrode contacts >>> 'y': np.zeros(16), >>> 'z': np.linspace(-500,1000,16), >>> 'n': 20, >>> 'r': 10, >>> 'N': N, >>> } >>> electrode = RecExtElectrode(cell, **electrodeParameters) >>> M = electrode.get_transformation_matrix() >>> V_ex = M @ cell.imem >>> plt.matshow(V_ex) >>> plt.colorbar() >>> plt.axis('tight') >>> Compute extracellular potentials during simulation: >>> import os >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import LFPy >>> from lfpykit import CellGeometry, RecExtElectrode >>> >>> cellParameters = { >>> 'morphology': os.path.join(LFPy.__path__[0], 'test', >>> 'ball_and_sticks.hoc'), >>> 'v_init': -65, # initial voltage >>> 'cm': 1.0, # membrane capacitance >>> 'Ra': 150, # axial resistivity >>> 'passive': True, # insert passive channels >>> 'passive_parameters': {"g_pas":1./3E4, >>> "e_pas":-65}, # passive params >>> 'dt': 2**-4, # simulation time res >>> 'tstart': 0., # start t of simulation >>> 'tstop': 50., # end t of simulation >>> } >>> cell = LFPy.Cell(**cellParameters) >>> >>> synapseParameters = { >>> 'idx': cell.get_closest_idx(x=0, y=0, z=800), # compartment >>> 'e': 0, # reversal potential >>> 'syntype': 'ExpSyn', # synapse type >>> 'tau': 2, # syn. time constant >>> 'weight': 0.01, # syn. weight >>> 'record_current': True # syn. current record >>> } >>> synapse = LFPy.Synapse(cell, **synapseParameters) >>> synapse.set_spike_times(np.array([10., 15., 20., 25.])) >>> >>> N = np.empty((16, 3)) >>> for i in range(N.shape[0]): N[i,] = [1, 0, 0] #normal vec. of contacts >>> electrodeParameters = { # parameters for RecExtElectrode class >>> 'sigma': 0.3, # Extracellular potential >>> 'x': np.zeros(16)+25, # Coordinates of electrode contacts >>> 'y': np.zeros(16), >>> 'z': np.linspace(-500,1000,16), >>> 'n': 20, >>> 'r': 10, >>> 'N': N, >>> } >>> electrode = RecExtElectrode(cell, **electrodeParameters) >>> cell.simulate(probes=[electrode]) >>> plt.matshow( >>> plt.colorbar() >>> plt.axis('tight') >>> Use MEAutility to to handle probes >>> import os >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import MEAutility as mu >>> import LFPy >>> from lfpykit import CellGeometry, RecExtElectrode >>> >>> cellParameters = { >>> 'morphology': os.path.join(LFPy.__path__[0], 'test', >>> 'ball_and_sticks.hoc'), >>> 'v_init': -65, # initial voltage >>> 'cm': 1.0, # membrane capacitance >>> 'Ra': 150, # axial resistivity >>> 'passive': True, # insert passive channels >>> 'passive_parameters': {"g_pas":1./3E4, >>> "e_pas":-65}, # passive params >>> 'dt': 2**-4, # simulation time res >>> 'tstart': 0., # start t of simulation >>> 'tstop': 50., # end t of simulation >>> } >>> cell = LFPy.Cell(**cellParameters) >>> >>> synapseParameters = { >>> 'idx': cell.get_closest_idx(x=0, y=0, z=800), # compartment >>> 'e': 0, # reversal potential >>> 'syntype': 'ExpSyn', # synapse type >>> 'tau': 2, # syn. time constant >>> 'weight': 0.01, # syn. weight >>> 'record_current': True # syn. current record >>> } >>> synapse = LFPy.Synapse(cell, **synapseParameters) >>> synapse.set_spike_times(np.array([10., 15., 20., 25.])) >>> >>> cell.simulate(rec_imem=True) >>> >>> probe = mu.return_mea('Neuropixels-128') >>> electrode = RecExtElectrode(cell, probe=probe) >>> V_ex = electrode.get_transformation_matrix() @ cell.imem >>> mu.plot_mea_recording(V_ex, probe) >>> plt.axis('tight') >>> References ---------- .. [1] Ness, T. V., Chintaluri, C., Potworowski, J., Leski, S., Glabska, H., Wójcik, D. K., et al. (2015). Modelling and analysis of electrical potentials recorded in microelectrode arrays (MEAs). Neuroinformatics 13:403–426. doi: 10.1007/s12021-015-9265-6 .. [2] Linden H, Hagen E, Leski S, Norheim ES, Pettersen KH, Einevoll GT (2014) LFPy: a tool for biophysical simulation of extracellular potentials generated by detailed model neurons. Front. Neuroinform. 7:41. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2013.00041 .. [3] Hagen E, Næss S, Ness TV and Einevoll GT (2018) Multimodal Modeling of Neural Network Activity: Computing LFP, ECoG, EEG, and MEG Signals With LFPy 2.0. Front. Neuroinform. 12:92. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2018.00092 """ def __init__(self, cell, sigma=0.3, probe=None, x=None, y=None, z=None, N=None, r=None, n=None, contact_shape='circle', method='linesource', verbose=False, seedvalue=None, **kwargs): """Initialize RecExtElectrode class""" super().__init__(cell=cell) self.sigma = sigma if type(sigma) in [list, np.ndarray]: self.sigma = np.array(sigma) if not self.sigma.shape == (3,): raise ValueError("Conductivity, sigma, should be float " "or ndarray of length 3: " "[sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z]") self.anisotropic = True else: self.sigma = sigma self.anisotropic = False if probe is None: assert np.all([arg is not None] for arg in [x, y, z]), \ "instance requires either 'probe' or 'x', 'y', and 'z'" if type(x) in [float, int]: self.x = np.array([x]) else: self.x = np.array(x).flatten() if type(y) in [float, int]: self.y = np.array([y]) else: self.y = np.array(y).flatten() if type(z) in [float, int]: self.z = np.array([z]) else: self.z = np.array(z).flatten() assert (self.x.size == self.y.size and self.x.size == self.z.size), \ "The number of elements in [x, y, z] must be equal" if N is not None: if not isinstance(N, np.ndarray): try: N = np.array(N) except TypeError as te: print('Keyword argument N could not be converted to a ' 'numpy.ndarray of shape (n_contacts, 3)') print(sys.exc_info()[0]) raise te if N.shape[-1] == 3: self.N = N else: self.N = N.T if N.shape[-1] != 3: raise Exception('N.shape must be (n_contacts, 1, 3)!') else: self.N = N self.r = r self.n = n if contact_shape is None: self.contact_shape = 'circle' elif contact_shape in ['circle', 'square', 'rect']: self.contact_shape = contact_shape else: raise ValueError('The contact_shape argument must be either: ' 'None, \'circle\', \'square\', \'rect\'') if self.contact_shape == 'rect': assert len(np.array(self.r)) == 2, \ "For 'rect' shape, 'r' indicates rectangle side length" positions = np.array([self.x, self.y, self.z]).T probe_info = {'pos': positions, 'description': 'custom', 'size': self.r, 'shape': self.contact_shape, 'type': 'wire', 'center': False} # add mea type self.probe = mu.MEA(positions=positions, info=probe_info, normal=self.N, sigma=self.sigma) else: assert isinstance(probe, mu.core.MEA), \ "'probe' should be a MEAutility MEA object" self.probe = deepcopy(probe) self.x = probe.positions[:, 0] self.y = probe.positions[:, 1] self.z = probe.positions[:, 2] self.N = np.array([el.normal for el in self.probe.electrodes]) self.r = self.probe.size self.contact_shape = self.probe.shape self.n = n self.method = method self.verbose = verbose self.seedvalue = seedvalue self.kwargs = kwargs # None-type some attributes created by the Cell class self.electrodecoeff = None = None self.offsets = None if method == 'root_as_point': if self.anisotropic: self.lfp_method = lfpcalc.calc_lfp_root_as_point_anisotropic else: self.lfp_method = lfpcalc.calc_lfp_root_as_point elif method == 'linesource': if self.anisotropic: self.lfp_method = lfpcalc.calc_lfp_linesource_anisotropic else: self.lfp_method = lfpcalc.calc_lfp_linesource elif method == 'pointsource': if self.anisotropic: self.lfp_method = lfpcalc.calc_lfp_pointsource_anisotropic else: self.lfp_method = lfpcalc.calc_lfp_pointsource else: raise ValueError("LFP method not recognized. " "Should be 'root_as_point', 'linesource' " "or 'pointsource'")
[docs] def get_transformation_matrix(self): ''' Get linear response matrix Returns ------- response_matrix: ndarray shape (n_contacts, n_seg) ndarray Raises ------ AttributeError if ``cell is None`` ''' if self.cell is None: raise AttributeError( '{}.cell is None'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) if self.n is not None and self.N is not None and self.r is not None: if self.n <= 1: raise ValueError("n = %i must be larger that 1" % self.n) else: pass M = self._lfp_el_pos_calc_dist(**self.kwargs) if self.verbose: print('calculations finished, %s, %s' % (str(self), str(self.cell))) else: M = self._loop_over_contacts(**self.kwargs) if self.verbose: print('calculations finished, %s, %s' % (str(self), str(self.cell))) # return mapping return M
def _loop_over_contacts(self, **kwargs): """Loop over electrode contacts, and return LFPs across channels""" M = np.zeros((self.x.size, self.cell.x.shape[0])) if self.cell.d.ndim == 2: r_limit = self.cell.d.mean(axis=-1) / 2 else: r_limit = self.cell.d / 2 for i in range(self.x.size): M[i, :] = self.lfp_method(cell_x=self.cell.x, cell_y=self.cell.y, cell_z=self.cell.z, x=self.x[i], y=self.y[i], z=self.z[i], sigma=self.sigma, r_limit=r_limit, **kwargs) return M def _lfp_el_pos_calc_dist(self, **kwargs): """ Calc. of LFP over an n-point integral approximation over flat electrode surface: circle of radius r or square of side r. The locations of these n points on the electrode surface are random, within the given surface. """ def loop_over_points(points): # loop over points on contact lfp_e = 0 if self.cell.d.ndim == 2: r_limit = self.cell.d.mean(axis=-1) / 2 else: r_limit = self.cell.d / 2 for j in range(self.n): tmp = self.lfp_method(cell_x=self.cell.x, cell_y=self.cell.y, cell_z=self.cell.z, x=points[j, 0], y=points[j, 1], z=points[j, 2], r_limit=r_limit, sigma=self.sigma, **kwargs ) lfp_e += tmp return lfp_e / self.n # linear response matrix M = np.zeros((self.x.size, self.cell.x.shape[0])) # extract random points for each electrode if self.n > 1: points = self.probe.get_random_points_inside(self.n) for i, p in enumerate(points): # fill in with contact average M[i, ] = loop_over_points(p) self.recorded_points = points else: if self.cell.d.ndim == 2: r_limit = self.cell.d.mean(axis=-1) / 2 else: r_limit = self.cell.d / 2 for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(zip(self.x, self.y, self.z)): M[i, ] = self.lfp_method(cell_x=self.cell.x, cell_y=self.cell.y, cell_z=self.cell.z, x=x, y=y, z=z, r_limit=r_limit, sigma=self.sigma, **kwargs) self.recorded_points = np.array([self.x, self.y, self.z]).T return M
[docs]class RecMEAElectrode(RecExtElectrode): r"""class RecMEAElectrode Electrode class that represents an extracellular in vitro slice recording as a Microelectrode Array (MEA). Inherits RecExtElectrode class Illustration: :: Above neural tissue (Saline) -> sigma_S <----------------------------------------------------> z = z_shift + h Neural Tissue -> sigma_T o -> source_pos = [x',y',z'] <-----------*----------------------------------------> z = z_shift + 0 \-> elec_pos = [x,y,z] Below neural tissue (MEA Glass plate) -> sigma_G For further details, see reference [1]_. See also -------- LinearModel PointSourcePotential LineSourcePotential RecExtElectrode Parameters ---------- cell: object GeometryCell instance or similar. sigma_T: float extracellular conductivity of neural tissue in unit (S/m) sigma_S: float conductivity of saline bath that the neural slice is immersed in [1.5] (S/m) sigma_G: float conductivity of MEA glass electrode plate. Most commonly assumed non-conducting [0.0] (S/m) h: float, int Thickness in um of neural tissue layer containing current the current sources (i.e., in vitro slice or cortex) z_shift: float, int Height in um of neural tissue layer bottom. If e.g., top of neural tissue layer should be z=0, use z_shift=-h. Defaults to z_shift = 0, so that the neural tissue layer extends from z=0 to z=h. squeeze_cell_factor: float or None Factor to squeeze the cell in the z-direction. This is needed for large cells that are thicker than the slice, since no part of the cell is allowed to be outside the slice. The squeeze is done after the neural simulation, and therefore does not affect neuronal simulation, only calculation of extracellular potentials. probe: MEAutility MEA object or None MEAutility probe object x, y, z: np.ndarray coordinates or arrays of coordinates in units of (um). Must be same length N: None or list of lists Normal vectors [x, y, z] of each circular electrode contact surface, default None r: float radius of each contact surface, default None n: int if N is not None and r > 0, the number of discrete points used to compute the n-point average potential on each circular contact point. contact_shape: str 'circle'/'square' (default 'circle') defines the contact point shape If 'circle' r is the radius, if 'square' r is the side length method: str switch between the assumption of 'linesource', 'pointsource', 'root_as_point' to represent each compartment when computing extracellular potentials verbose: bool Flag for verbose output, i.e., print more information seedvalue: int random seed when finding random position on contact with r > 0 References ---------- .. [1] Ness, T. V., Chintaluri, C., Potworowski, J., Leski, S., Glabska, H., Wójcik, D. K., et al. (2015). Modelling and analysis of electrical potentials recorded in microelectrode arrays (MEAs). Neuroinformatics 13:403–426. doi: 10.1007/s12021-015-9265-6 Examples -------- Mock cell geometry and transmembrane currents: >>> import numpy as np >>> from lfpykit import CellGeometry, RecMEAElectrode >>> # cell geometry with four segments (µm) >>> cell = CellGeometry( >>> x=np.array([[0, 10], [10, 20], [20, 30], [30, 40]]), >>> y=np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]), >>> z=np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]) + 10, >>> d=np.array([1, 1, 1, 1])) >>> # transmembrane currents, three time steps (nA) >>> I_m = np.array([[0.25, -1., 1.], >>> [-1., 1., -0.25], >>> [1., -0.25, -1.], >>> [-0.25, 0.25, 0.25]]) >>> # electrode locations (µm) >>> r = np.stack([np.arange(10)*4 + 2, np.zeros(10), np.zeros(10)]) >>> # instantiate electrode, get linear response matrix >>> el = RecMEAElectrode(cell=cell, >>> sigma_T=0.3, sigma_S=1.5, sigma_G=0.0, >>> x=r[0, ], y=r[1, ], z=r[2, ], >>> method='pointsource') >>> M = el.get_transformation_matrix() >>> # compute extracellular potential >>> M @ I_m array([[-0.00233572, -0.01990957, 0.02542055], [-0.00585075, -0.01520865, 0.02254483], [-0.01108601, -0.00243107, 0.01108601], [-0.01294584, 0.01013595, -0.00374823], [-0.00599067, 0.01432711, -0.01709416], [ 0.00599067, 0.01194602, -0.0266944 ], [ 0.01294584, 0.00953841, -0.02904238], [ 0.01108601, 0.00972426, -0.02324134], [ 0.00585075, 0.01075236, -0.01511768], [ 0.00233572, 0.01038382, -0.00954429]]) See also <LFPy>/examples/ >>> import os >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import LFPy >>> from lfpykit import CellGeometry, RecMEAElectrode >>> >>> cellParameters = { >>> 'morphology': os.path.join(LFPy.__path__[0], 'test', >>> 'ball_and_sticks.hoc'), >>> 'v_init': -65, # initial voltage >>> 'cm': 1.0, # membrane capacitance >>> 'Ra': 150, # axial resistivity >>> 'passive': True, # insert passive channels >>> 'passive_parameters': {"g_pas":1./3E4, >>> "e_pas":-65}, # passive params >>> 'dt': 2**-4, # simulation time res >>> 'tstart': 0., # start t of simulation >>> 'tstop': 50., # end t of simulation >>> } >>> cell = LFPy.Cell(**cellParameters) >>> cell.set_rotation(x=np.pi/2, z=np.pi/2) >>> cell.set_pos(z=100) >>> synapseParameters = { >>> 'idx': cell.get_closest_idx(x=800, y=0, z=100), # segment >>> 'e': 0, # reversal potential >>> 'syntype': 'ExpSyn', # synapse type >>> 'tau': 2, # syn. time constant >>> 'weight': 0.01, # syn. weight >>> 'record_current': True # syn. current record >>> } >>> synapse = LFPy.Synapse(cell, **synapseParameters) >>> synapse.set_spike_times(np.array([10., 15., 20., 25.])) >>> >>> MEA_electrode_parameters = { >>> 'sigma_T': 0.3, # extracellular conductivity >>> 'sigma_G': 0.0, # MEA glass electrode plate conductivity >>> 'sigma_S': 1.5, # Saline bath conductivity >>> 'x': np.linspace(0, 1200, 16), # 1d vector of positions >>> 'y': np.zeros(16), >>> 'z': np.zeros(16), >>> "method": "pointsource", >>> "h": 300, >>> "squeeze_cell_factor": 0.5, >>> } >>> cell.simulate(rec_imem=True) >>> >>> MEA = RecMEAElectrode(cell, **MEA_electrode_parameters) >>> V_ext = MEA.get_transformation_matrix() @ lfpy_cell.imem >>> >>> plt.matshow(V_ext) >>> plt.colorbar() >>> plt.axis('tight') >>> """ def __init__(self, cell, sigma_T=0.3, sigma_S=1.5, sigma_G=0.0, h=300., z_shift=0., steps=20, probe=None, x=np.array([0]), y=np.array([0]), z=np.array([0]), N=None, r=None, n=None, method='linesource', verbose=False, seedvalue=None, squeeze_cell_factor=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(cell=cell, x=x, y=y, z=z, probe=probe, N=N, r=r, n=n, method=method, verbose=verbose, seedvalue=seedvalue, **kwargs) self.sigma_G = sigma_G self.sigma_T = sigma_T self.sigma_S = sigma_S self.sigma = None self.h = h self.z_shift = z_shift self.steps = steps self.squeeze_cell_factor = squeeze_cell_factor self.moi_param_kwargs = {"h": self.h, "steps": self.steps, "sigma_G": self.sigma_G, "sigma_T": self.sigma_T, "sigma_S": self.sigma_S, "z_shift": self.z_shift, } if method == 'pointsource': self.lfp_method = lfpcalc.calc_lfp_pointsource_moi elif method == "linesource": if (np.abs(z - self.z_shift) > 1e-9).any(): raise NotImplementedError("The method 'linesource' is only " "supported for electrodes at the " "z=0 plane. Use z=0 or method " "'pointsource'.") if np.abs(self.sigma_G) > 1e-9: raise NotImplementedError("The method 'linesource' is only " "supported for sigma_G=0. Use " "sigma_G=0 or method " "'pointsource'.") self.lfp_method = lfpcalc.calc_lfp_linesource_moi elif method == "root_as_point": if (np.abs(z - self.z_shift) > 1e-9).any(): raise NotImplementedError("The method 'root_as_point' is only " "supported for electrodes at the " "z=0 plane. Use z=0 or method " "'pointsource'.") if np.abs(self.sigma_G) > 1e-9: raise NotImplementedError("The method 'root_as_point' is only " "supported for sigma_G=0. Use " "sigma_G=0 or method " "'pointsource'.") self.lfp_method = lfpcalc.calc_lfp_root_as_point_moi else: raise ValueError("LFP method not recognized. " "Should be 'root_as_point', 'linesource' " "or 'pointsource'") def _squeeze_cell_in_depth_direction(self): """Will squeeze self.cell centered around the root segment by a scaling factor, so that it fits inside the slice. If scaling factor is not big enough, a RuntimeError is raised.""" self.distort_cell_geometry() if (self.cell.z.max() > self.h + self.z_shift or self.cell.z.min() < self.z_shift): bad_comps, reason = self._return_comp_outside_slice() msg = ("Compartments {} of cell ({}) has cell.{} slice. " "Increase squeeze_cell_factor, move or rotate cell." ).format(np.arange(self.cell.totnsegs)[bad_comps], self.cell, reason) raise RuntimeError(msg) def _return_comp_outside_slice(self): """ Assuming part of the cell is outside the valid region, i.e, not in the slice (self.z_shift < z < self.z_shift + self.h) this function check what array (cell.z[:, 0] or cell.z[:, -1]) that is outside, and if it is above or below the valid region. Raises: RuntimeError If no compartment is outside valid region. Returns: array, str Numpy array with the compartments that are outside the slice, and a string with additional information on the problem. """ zstart_above = self.cell.z[:, 0] > (self.z_shift + self.h) zend_above = self.cell.z[:, -1] > (self.z_shift + self.h) zend_below = self.cell.z[:, -1] < self.z_shift zstart_below = self.cell.z[:, 0] < self.z_shift if zstart_above.sum() > 0: return zstart_above, "zstart above" if zstart_below.sum() > 0: return zstart_below, "zstart below" if zend_above.sum() > 0: return zend_above, "zend above" if zend_below.sum() > 0: return zend_below, "zend below" raise RuntimeError("This function should only be called if cell" "extends outside slice") def _test_cell_extent(self): """ Test if the cell is confined within the slice. If class argument "squeeze_cell" is True, cell is squeezed to to fit inside slice. """ if self.cell is None: raise RuntimeError("Does not have cell instance.") if (self.cell.z.max() > self.z_shift + self.h or self.cell.z.min() < self.z_shift): if self.verbose: print("Cell extends outside slice.") if self.squeeze_cell_factor is not None: if not self.z_shift < self.cell.z[0, ].mean() < \ (self.z_shift + self.h): raise RuntimeError("Soma position is not in slice.") self._squeeze_cell_in_depth_direction() else: bad_comps, reason = self._return_comp_outside_slice() msg = ("Compartments {} of cell ({}) has cell.{} slice " "and argument squeeze_cell_factor is None." ).format(np.arange(self.cell.totnsegs)[bad_comps], self.cell, reason) raise RuntimeError(msg) else: if self.verbose: print("Cell position is good.") if self.squeeze_cell_factor is not None: if self.verbose: print("Squeezing cell anyway.") self._squeeze_cell_in_depth_direction()
[docs] def distort_cell_geometry(self, axis='z', nu=0.0): """ Distorts cellular morphology with a relative squeeze_cell_factor along a chosen axis preserving Poisson's ratio. A ratio nu=0.5 assumes uncompressible and isotropic media that embeds the cell. A ratio nu=0 will only affect geometry along the chosen axis. A ratio nu=-1 will isometrically scale the neuron geometry along each axis. This method does not affect the underlying cable properties of the cell, only predictions of extracellular measurements (by affecting the relative locations of sources representing the compartments). Parameters ---------- axis: str which axis to apply compression/stretching. Default is "z". nu: float Poisson's ratio. Ratio between axial and transversal compression/stretching. Default is 0. """ assert abs(self.squeeze_cell_factor) < 1., \ 'abs(squeeze_cell_factor) >= 1, must be in <-1, 1>' assert axis in ['x', 'y', 'z'], \ 'axis={} not "x", "y" or "z"'.format(axis) for pos, dir_ in zip([self.cell.x[0, ].mean(), self.cell.y[0, ].mean(), self.cell.z[0, ].mean()], 'xyz'): geometry = getattr(self.cell, dir_) if dir_ == axis: geometry -= pos geometry *= (1. - self.squeeze_cell_factor) geometry += pos else: geometry -= pos geometry *= (1. + self.squeeze_cell_factor * nu) geometry += pos setattr(self.cell, dir_, geometry) # recompute length and area of each segment self.cell._set_length() self.cell._set_area()
[docs] def get_transformation_matrix(self): ''' Get linear response matrix Returns ------- response_matrix: ndarray shape (n_contacts, n_seg) ndarray Raises ------ AttributeError if ``cell is None`` ''' if self.cell is None: raise AttributeError( '{}.cell is None'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) self._test_cell_extent() if self.n is not None and self.N is not None and self.r is not None: if self.n <= 1: raise ValueError("n = %i must be larger that 1" % self.n) else: pass M = self._lfp_el_pos_calc_dist(**self.moi_param_kwargs) if self.verbose: print('calculations finished, %s, %s' % (str(self), str(self.cell))) else: M = self._loop_over_contacts(**self.moi_param_kwargs) if self.verbose: print('calculations finished, %s, %s' % (str(self), str(self.cell))) return M
[docs]class OneSphereVolumeConductor(LinearModel): """ Computes extracellular potentials within and outside a spherical volume- conductor model that assumes homogeneous, isotropic, linear (frequency independent) conductivity in and outside the sphere with a radius R. The conductivity in and outside the sphere must be greater than 0, and the current source(s) must be located within the radius R. The implementation is based on the description of electric potentials of point charge in an dielectric sphere embedded in dielectric media [1]_, which is mathematically equivalent to a current source in conductive media. This class is a ``LinearModel`` subclass that defines a 2D linear response matrix :math:`\\mathbf{M}` between transmembrane current array :math:`\\mathbf{I}` (nA) of a multicompartment neuron model and the corresponding extracellular electric potential :math:`\\mathbf{V}_{ex}` (mV) as .. math:: \\mathbf{V}_{ex} = \\mathbf{M} \\mathbf{I} The current :math:`\\mathbf{I}` is an ndarray of shape (n_seg, n_tsteps) with unit (nA), and each row indexed by :math:`j` of :math:`\\mathbf{V}_{ex}` represents the electric potential at each measurement site for every time step. Parameters ---------- cell: object or None ``CellGeometry`` instance or similar. r: ndarray, dtype=float shape(3, n_points) observation points in space in spherical coordinates (radius, theta, phi) relative to the center of the sphere. R: float sphere radius (µm) sigma_i: float electric conductivity for radius r <= R (S/m) sigma_o: float electric conductivity for radius r > R (S/m) References ---------- .. [1] Shaozhong Deng (2008), Journal of Electrostatics 66:549-560. DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2008.06.003 Examples -------- Compute the potential for a single monopole along the x-axis: >>> # import modules >>> from lfpykit import OneSphereVolumeConductor >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> # observation points in spherical coordinates (flattened) >>> X, Y = np.mgrid[-15000:15100:1000., -15000:15100:1000.] >>> r = np.array([np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2).flatten(), >>> np.arctan2(Y, X).flatten(), >>> np.zeros(X.size)]) >>> # set up class object and compute electric potential in all locations >>> sphere = OneSphereVolumeConductor(cell=None, r=r, R=10000., >>> sigma_i=0.3, sigma_o=0.03) >>> Phi = sphere.calc_potential(rs=8000, current=1.).reshape(X.shape) >>> # plot >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) >>> im=ax.contourf(X, Y, Phi, >>> levels=np.linspace(Phi.min(), >>> np.median(Phi[np.isfinite(Phi)]) * 4, 30)) >>> circle = plt.Circle(xy=(0,0), radius=sphere.R, fc='none', ec='k') >>> ax.add_patch(circle) >>> fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) >>> """ def __init__(self, cell, r, R=10000., sigma_i=0.3, sigma_o=0.03): """initialize class OneSphereVolumeConductor""" super().__init__(cell=cell) # check inputs assert r.shape[0] == 3 and r.ndim == 2, \ 'r must be a shape (3, n_points) ndarray' assert (isinstance(R, float)) or (isinstance(R, int)), \ 'sphere radius R must be a float value' assert sigma_i > 0 and sigma_o > 0, \ 'sigma_i and sigma_o must both be positive values' self.r = r self.R = R self.sigma_i = sigma_i self.sigma_o = sigma_o
[docs] def calc_potential(self, rs, current, min_distance=1., n_max=1000): """ Return the electric potential at observation points for source current as function of time. Parameters ---------- rs: float monopole source location along the horizontal x-axis (µm) current: float or ndarray, dtype float float or shape (n_tsteps, ) array containing source current (nA) min_distance: None or float minimum distance between source location and observation point (µm) (in order to avoid singularities) n_max: int Number of elements in polynomial expansion to sum over (see [1]_). References ---------- .. [1] Shaozhong Deng (2008), Journal of Electrostatics 66:549-560. DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2008.06.003 Returns ------- Phi: ndarray shape (n-points, ) ndarray of floats if I is float like. If I is an 1D ndarray, and shape (n-points, I.size) ndarray is returned. Unit (mV). """ assert type(rs) in [int, float, np.float64], \ 'source location rs must be a float value ' assert abs(rs) < self.R, '|rs| must be less than sphere radius R' assert (min_distance is None) or \ (type(min_distance) in [float, int, np.float64]), \ 'min_distance must be None or a float' r = self.r[0] theta = self.r[1] # add harmonical contributions due to inhomogeneous media inds_i = r <= self.R inds_o = r > self.R # observation points r <= R phi_i = np.zeros(r.size) for j, (theta_i, r_i) in enumerate(zip(theta[inds_i], r[inds_i])): coeffs_i = np.zeros(n_max) for n in range(n_max): coeffs_i[n] = ((self.sigma_i - self.sigma_o) * (n + 1)) / ( self.sigma_i * n + self.sigma_o * (n + 1)) * ( (r_i * rs) / self.R**2)**n poly_i = np.polynomial.legendre.Legendre(coeffs_i) phi_i[np.where(inds_i)[0][j]] = poly_i(np.cos(theta_i)) phi_i[inds_i] *= 1. / self.R # observation points r > R phi_o = np.zeros(r.size) for j, (theta_o, r_o) in enumerate(zip(theta[inds_o], r[inds_o])): coeffs_o = np.zeros(n_max) for n in range(n_max): coeffs_o[n] = (self.sigma_i * (2 * n + 1)) / \ (self.sigma_i * n + self.sigma_o * (n + 1)) * (rs / r_o)**n poly_o = np.polynomial.legendre.Legendre(coeffs_o) phi_o[np.where(inds_o)[0][j]] = poly_o(np.cos(theta_o)) phi_o[inds_o] *= 1. / r[inds_o] # potential in homogeneous media if min_distance is None: phi_i[inds_i] += 1. / \ np.sqrt(r[r <= self.R]**2 + rs**2 - 2 * r[inds_i] * rs * np.cos(theta[inds_i])) else: denom = np.sqrt( r[inds_i]**2 + rs**2 - 2 * r[inds_i] * rs * np.cos( theta[inds_i])) denom[denom < min_distance] = min_distance phi_i[inds_i] += 1. / denom if isinstance(current, np.ndarray): assert np.all(np.isfinite(current) & np.isreal(current)), \ 'current must be finite and real' assert current.ndim == 1, 'current must be 1D' return + phi_o).reshape((1, -1)).T, current.reshape((1, -1)) ) / (4. * np.pi * self.sigma_i) else: assert np.isfinite(current) and np.shape(current) == (), \ 'current must be float or 1D ndarray with float values' return current / (4. * np.pi * self.sigma_i) * (phi_i + phi_o)
[docs] def get_transformation_matrix(self, n_max=1000): """ Compute linear mapping between transmembrane currents of ``CellGeometry`` like object instance and extracellular potential in and outside of sphere. Parameters ---------- n_max: int Number of elements in polynomial expansion to sum over (see [1]_). References ---------- .. [1] Shaozhong Deng (2008), Journal of Electrostatics 66:549-560. DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2008.06.003 Raises ------ AttributeError if ``cell is None`` Examples -------- Compute extracellular potential in one-sphere volume conductor model from ``LFPy.Cell`` object: >>> # import modules >>> import LFPy >>> from lfpykit import CellGeometry, \ >>> OneSphereVolumeConductor >>> import os >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection >>> # create cell >>> cell = LFPy.Cell(morphology=os.path.join(LFPy.__path__[0], 'test', >>> 'ball_and_sticks.hoc'), >>> tstop=10.) >>> cell.set_pos(z=9800.) >>> # stimulus >>> syn = LFPy.Synapse(cell, idx=cell.totnsegs-1, syntype='Exp2Syn', >>> weight=0.01) >>> syn.set_spike_times(np.array([1.])) >>> # simulate >>> cell.simulate(rec_imem=True) >>> # observation points in spherical coordinates (flattened) >>> X, Z = np.mgrid[-500:501:10., 9500:10501:10.] >>> Y = np.zeros(X.shape) >>> r = np.array([np.sqrt(X**2 + Z**2).flatten(), >>> np.arccos(Z / np.sqrt(X**2 + Z**2)).flatten(), >>> np.arctan2(Y, X).flatten()]) >>> # set up class object and compute mapping between segment currents >>> # and electric potential in space >>> sphere = OneSphereVolumeConductor(cell, r=r, R=10000., >>> sigma_i=0.3, sigma_o=0.03) >>> M = sphere.get_transformation_matrix(n_max=1000) >>> # pick out some time index for the potential and compute potential >>> ind = cell.tvec==2. >>> V_ex = (M @ cell.imem)[:, ind].reshape(X.shape) >>> # plot potential >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) >>> zips = [] >>> for x, z in cell.get_idx_polygons(projection=('x', 'z')): >>> zips.append(list(zip(x, z))) >>> polycol = PolyCollection(zips, >>> edgecolors='none', >>> facecolors='gray') >>> vrange = 1E-3 # limits for color contour plot >>> im=ax.contour(X, Z, V_ex, >>> levels=np.linspace(-vrange, vrange, 41)) >>> circle = plt.Circle(xy=(0,0), radius=sphere.R, fc='none', ec='k') >>> ax.add_collection(polycol) >>> ax.add_patch(circle) >>> ax.axis(ax.axis('equal')) >>> ax.set_xlim(X.min(), X.max()) >>> ax.set_ylim(Z.min(), Z.max()) >>> fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) >>> Returns ------- ndarray Shape (n_points, n_compartments) mapping between individual segments and extracellular potential in extracellular locations Notes ----- Each segment is treated as a point source in space. The minimum source to measurement site distance will be set to the diameter of each segment """ if self.cell is None: raise AttributeError( '{}.cell is None'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) # midpoint position of compartments in spherical coordinates radius = np.sqrt(self.cell.x.mean(axis=-1)**2 + self.cell.y.mean(axis=-1)**2 + self.cell.z.mean(axis=-1)**2) theta = np.arccos(self.cell.z.mean(axis=-1) / radius) phi = np.arctan2(self.cell.y.mean(axis=-1), self.cell.x.mean(axis=-1)) diam = self.cell.d if self.cell.d.ndim == 2: diam = self.cell.d.mean(axis=-1) else: diam = self.cell.d # since the sources must be located on the x-axis, we keep a copy # of the unrotated coordinate system for the contact points: r_orig = np.copy(self.r) # unit current amplitude current = 1. # initialize mapping array M = np.zeros((self.r.shape[1], radius.size)) # compute the mapping for each compartment for i, (radius_i, theta_i, _, diam_i) in enumerate( zip(radius, theta, phi, diam)): self.r = np.array([r_orig[0], # radius unchanged r_orig[1] - theta_i, # rotate relative to source location r_orig[2]]) # phi unchanged M[:, i] = self.calc_potential( radius_i, current=current, min_distance=diam_i, n_max=n_max) # reset measurement locations self.r = r_orig # return mapping between segment currents and contrib in each # measurement location return M
[docs]class VolumetricCurrentSourceDensity(LinearModel): """ Facilitates calculations of the ground truth Current Source Density (CSD) across 3D volumetric grid with bin edges defined by parameters ``x``, ``y`` and ``z``. The implementation assumes piecewise constant current sources similar to ``LineSourcePotential``, and accounts for the fraction of each segment's length within each volume by counting the number of points representing partial segments with max length ``dl`` divided by the number of partial segments. This class is a ``LinearModel`` subclass that defines a 4D linear response matrix :math:`\\mathbf{M}` of shape ``(x.size-1, y.size-1, z.size-1, n_seg)`` between transmembrane current array :math:`\\mathbf{I}` (nA) of a multicompartment neuron model and the corresponding CSD :math:`\\mathbf{C}` (nA/µm^3) as .. math:: \\mathbf{C} = \\mathbf{M} \\mathbf{I} The current :math:`\\mathbf{I}` is an ndarray of shape (n_seg, n_tsteps) with unit (nA), and each row indexed by :math:`j` of :math:`\\mathbf{C}` represents the CSD in each bin for every time step as the sum of currents divided by the volume. See also -------- LinearModel LaminarCurrentSourceDensity Parameters ---------- cell: object or None ``CellGeometry`` instance or similar. x, y, z: ndarray, dtype=float shape (n, ) array of bin edges of each volume along each axis in units of (µm). Must be monotonously increasing. dl: float discretization length of compartments before binning (µm). Default=1. Lower values will result in more accurate estimates as each line source gets split into more points. Examples -------- Mock cell geometry and transmembrane currents: >>> import numpy as np >>> from lfpykit import CellGeometry, VolumetricCurrentSourceDensity >>> # cell geometry with three segments (µm) >>> cell = CellGeometry(x=np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]), >>> y=np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]), >>> z=np.array([[0, 10], [10, 20], [20, 30]]), >>> d=np.array([1, 1, 1])) >>> # transmembrane currents, three time steps (nA) >>> I_m = np.array([[0., -1., 1.], [-1., 1., 0.], [1., 0., -1.]]) >>> # instantiate probe, get linear response matrix >>> csd = VolumetricCurrentSourceDensity(cell=cell, >>> x=np.linspace(-20, 20, 5), >>> y=np.linspace(-20, 20, 5), >>> z=np.linspace(-20, 20, 5), dl=1.) >>> M = csd.get_transformation_matrix() >>> # compute current source density [nA/µm3] >>> M @ I_m array([[[[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0.]], ... Notes ----- The resulting mapping M may be very sparse (i.e, mostly made up by zeros) and can be converted into a sparse array for more efficient multiplication for the same result: >>> import scipy.sparse as ss >>> M_csc = ss.csc_matrix(M.reshape((-1, M.shape[-1]))) >>> C = M_csc @ I_m >>> np.all(C.reshape((M.shape[:-1] + (-1,))) == (M @ I_m)) True References ---------- Raises ------ """ def __init__(self, cell, x=None, y=None, z=None, dl=1.): super().__init__(cell=cell) self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.dl = dl
[docs] def get_transformation_matrix(self): ''' Get linear response matrix Returns ------- response_matrix: ndarray shape (x.size-1, y.size-1, z.size-1, n_seg) ndarray Raises ------ AttributeError if ``cell is None`` ''' if self.cell is None: raise AttributeError( '{}.cell is None'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) # initialize transformation matrix M = np.zeros((self.x.size - 1, self.y.size - 1, self.z.size - 1, self.cell.totnsegs)) for i in range(self.cell.totnsegs): # find points along each segments and assign to bins n = int(np.ceil(self.cell.length[i] / self.dl)) dx = (self.cell.x[i, 0] - self.cell.x[i, 1]) / n x = np.linspace(self.cell.x[i, 0] - dx / 2, self.cell.x[i, 1] + dx / 2, n) dy = (self.cell.y[i, 0] - self.cell.y[i, 1]) / n y = np.linspace(self.cell.y[i, 0] - dy / 2, self.cell.y[i, 1] + dy / 2, n) dz = (self.cell.z[i, 0] - self.cell.z[i, 1]) / n z = np.linspace(self.cell.z[i, 0] - dz / 2, self.cell.z[i, 1] + dz / 2, n) # update mapping as weighted 3D histogram M[:, :, :, i] = np.histogramdd(sample=np.c_[x, y, z], bins=(self.x, self.y, self.z), weights=np.ones(n) / n)[0] return M
[docs]class LaminarCurrentSourceDensity(LinearModel): """ Facilitates calculations of the ground truth Current Source Density (CSD) in cylindrical volumes aligned with the z-axis based on [1]_ and [2]_. The implementation assumes piecewise linear current sources similar to ``LineSourcePotential``, and accounts for the fraction of each segment's length within each volume, see Eq. 11 in [2]. This class is a ``LinearModel`` subclass that defines a 2D linear response matrix :math:`\\mathbf{M}` between transmembrane current array :math:`\\mathbf{I}` (nA) of a multicompartment neuron model and the corresponding CSD :math:`\\mathbf{C}` (nA/µm^3) as .. math:: \\mathbf{C} = \\mathbf{M} \\mathbf{I} The current :math:`\\mathbf{I}` is an ndarray of shape (n_seg, n_tsteps) with unit (nA), and each row indexed by :math:`j` of :math:`\\mathbf{C}` represents the CSD in each volume for every time step as the sum of currents divided by the volume. See also -------- LinearModel VolumetricCurrentSourceDensity Parameters ---------- cell: object or None ``CellGeometry`` instance or similar. z: ndarray, dtype=float shape (n_volumes, 2) array of lower and upper edges of each volume along the z-axis in units of (µm). The lower edge value must be below the upper edge value. r: ndarray, dtype=float shape (n_volumes, ) array with assumed radius of each cylindrical volume. Each radius must be greater than zero, and in units of (µm) Examples -------- Mock cell geometry and transmembrane currents: >>> import numpy as np >>> from lfpykit import CellGeometry, LaminarCurrentSourceDensity >>> # cell geometry with three segments (µm) >>> cell = CellGeometry(x=np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]), >>> y=np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]), >>> z=np.array([[0, 10], [10, 20], [20, 30]]), >>> d=np.array([1, 1, 1])) >>> # transmembrane currents, three time steps (nA) >>> I_m = np.array([[0., -1., 1.], [-1., 1., 0.], [1., 0., -1.]]) >>> # define geometry (z - upper and lower boundary; r - radius) >>> # of cylindrical volumes aligned with the z-axis (µm) >>> z = np.array([[-10., 0.], [0., 10.], [10., 20.], >>> [20., 30.], [30., 40.]]) >>> r = np.array([100., 100., 100., 100., 100.]) >>> # instantiate electrode, get linear response matrix >>> csd = LaminarCurrentSourceDensity(cell=cell, z=z, r=r) >>> M = csd.get_transformation_matrix() >>> # compute current source density [nA/µm3] >>> M @ I_m array([[ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00], [ 0.00000000e+00, -3.18309886e-06, 3.18309886e-06], [-3.18309886e-06, 3.18309886e-06, 0.00000000e+00], [ 3.18309886e-06, 0.00000000e+00, -3.18309886e-06], [ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00]]) References ---------- .. [1] Pettersen KH, Hagen E, Einevoll GT (2008) Estimation of population firing rates and current source densities from laminar electrode recordings. J Comput Neurosci (2008) 24:291–313. DOI 10.1007/s10827-007-0056-4 .. [2] Hagen E, Fossum JC, Pettersen KH, Alonso JM, Swadlow HA, Einevoll GT (2017) Journal of Neuroscience, 37(20):5123-5143. DOI: Raises ------ AttributeError inputs ``z`` and ``r`` must be ndarrays of correct shape etc. """ def __init__(self, cell, z, r): super().__init__(cell=cell) # check input parameters for varname, var in zip(['z', 'r'], [z, r]): assert isinstance( var, np.ndarray), 'type({}) != np.ndarray'.format(varname) assert z.ndim == 2, 'z.ndim != 2' assert np.all(np.diff(z, axis=-1) > 0), 'lower edge <= upper edge' assert z.shape[1] == 2, 'z.shape[1] != 2' assert r.ndim == 1, 'r.ndim != 1' assert r.shape[0] == z.shape[0], 'r.shape[0] != z.shape[0]' assert np.all(r > 0), 'r must be greater than 0' self.z = z self.r = r # lateral offset of each volume from z-axis self.lateral_offset = np.array([0., 0.])
[docs] def get_transformation_matrix(self): ''' Get linear response matrix Returns ------- response_matrix: ndarray shape (n_volumes, n_seg) ndarray Raises ------ AttributeError if ``cell is None`` ''' if self.cell is None: raise AttributeError( '{}.cell is None'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) # initialize transformation matrix M = np.zeros((self.z.shape[0], self.cell.totnsegs)) # compute radial distance of segment start and end points to z-axis R = np.sqrt((self.cell.x - self.lateral_offset[0])**2 + (self.cell.y - self.lateral_offset[1])**2) # Volume of each cylinder V = np.pi * self.r**2 * np.diff(self.z, axis=-1).flatten() # iterate over volumes: for i, (z_i, dz_i, r_i) in enumerate(zip(self.z, np.diff(self.z, axis=-1), self.r)): # start point in [z_i, z_i + dz_i] ii0 = self.cell.z[:, 0] >= z_i[0] jj0 = self.cell.z[:, 0] < z_i[1] # end point in [z_i, z_i + dz_i) ii1 = self.cell.z[:, 1] >= z_i[0] jj1 = self.cell.z[:, 1] < z_i[1] # start and end point in [0, r_i] kk0 = R[:, 0] <= r_i kk1 = R[:, 1] <= r_i # start point in volume ll0 = ii0 & jj0 & kk0 # end point in volume ll1 = ii1 & jj1 & kk1 # trivial case, start and end point of segment lies within volume inds = ll0 & ll1 M[i, inds] = 1. # start point of segment lies within volume inds = ll0 & (~ll1) # find coordinate where line source intersects with boundary r2 = np.array([0, 0, r_i]) r3 = np.array([r_i, r_i, r_i]) z2 = np.array([z_i[0], z_i[1], z_i[0]]) z3 = np.array([z_i[0], z_i[1], z_i[1]]) # iterate over lower, right, upper boundary for k in np.where(inds)[0]: for ll in range(3): Pr, Pz, hit = _PrPz(r0=R[k, 0], z0=self.cell.z[k, 0], r1=R[k, 1], z1=self.cell.z[k, 1], r2=r2[ll], z2=z2[ll], r3=r3[ll], z3=z3[ll]) if hit: L = np.sqrt((Pr - R[k, 0])**2 + (Pz - self.cell.z[k, 0])**2) M[i, k] = L / self.cell.length[k] continue # end point of segment lies within volume inds = (~ll0) & ll1 for k in np.where(inds)[0]: for ll in range(3): Pr, Pz, hit = _PrPz(r0=R[k, 0], z0=self.cell.z[k, 0], r1=R[k, 1], z1=self.cell.z[k, 1], r2=r2[ll], z2=z2[ll], r3=r3[ll], z3=z3[ll]) if hit: L = np.sqrt((Pr - R[k, 1])**2 + (Pz - self.cell.z[k, 1])**2) M[i, k] = L / self.cell.length[k] continue for i, v in enumerate(V): M[i, :] = M[i, :] / v return M
def _PrPz(r0, z0, r1, z1, r2, z2, r3, z3): '''intersection point for infinite lines''' # intersection point (Pr, Pz) denom = ((r0 - r1) * (z2 - z3) - (z0 - z1) * (r2 - r3)) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): Pr = (((r0 * z1 - z0 * r1) * (r2 - r3) - (r0 - r1) * (r2 * z3 - r3 * z2)) / denom) Pz = (((r0 * z1 - z0 * r1) * (z2 - z3) - (z0 - z1) * (r2 * z3 - r3 * z2)) / denom) # check if intersection point lies on lines if (Pr >= r0) & (Pr <= r1) & (Pz >= z0) & (Pz <= z1): hit = True elif (Pr <= r0) & (Pr >= r1) & (Pz >= z0) & (Pz <= z1): hit = True elif (Pr >= r0) & (Pr <= r1) & (Pz <= z0) & (Pz >= z1): hit = True elif (Pr <= r0) & (Pr >= r1) & (Pz <= z0) & (Pz >= z1): hit = True else: hit = False return Pr, Pz, hit