Source code for LFPy.eegmegcalc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'''Copyright (C) 2020 Computational Neuroscience Group, NMBU.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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import lfpykit
from lfpykit.eegmegcalc import NYHeadModel  # noqa: F401
import numpy as np

[docs]class FourSphereVolumeConductor(lfpykit.eegmegcalc.FourSphereVolumeConductor): """ Main class for computing extracellular potentials in a four-sphere volume conductor model that assumes homogeneous, isotropic, linear (frequency independent) conductivity within the inner sphere and outer shells. The conductance outside the outer shell is 0 (air). This class implements the corrected 4-sphere model described in [1]_, [2]_ References ---------- .. [1] Næss S, Chintaluri C, Ness TV, Dale AM, Einevoll GT and Wójcik DK (2017) Corrected Four-sphere Head Model for EEG Signals. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 11:490. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00490 .. [2] Hagen E, Næss S, Ness TV and Einevoll GT (2018) Multimodal Modeling of Neural Network Activity: Computing LFP, ECoG, EEG, and MEG Signals With LFPy 2.0. Front. Neuroinform. 12:92. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2018.00092 See also -------- InfiniteVolumeConductor MEG Parameters ---------- r_electrodes: ndarray, dtype=float Shape (n_contacts, 3) array containing n_contacts electrode locations in cartesian coordinates in units of (µm). All ``r_el`` in ``r_electrodes`` must be less than or equal to scalp radius and larger than the distance between dipole and sphere center: ``|rz| < r_el <= radii[3]``. radii: list, dtype=float Len 4 list with the outer radii in units of (µm) for the 4 concentric shells in the four-sphere model: brain, csf, skull and scalp, respectively. sigmas: list, dtype=float Len 4 list with the electrical conductivity in units of (S/m) of the four shells in the four-sphere model: brain, csf, skull and scalp, respectively. iter_factor: float iteration-stop factor Examples -------- Compute extracellular potential from current dipole moment in four-sphere head model: >>> from lfpykit.eegmegcalc import FourSphereVolumeConductor >>> import numpy as np >>> radii = [79000., 80000., 85000., 90000.] # (µm) >>> sigmas = [0.3, 1.5, 0.015, 0.3] # (S/m) >>> r_electrodes = np.array([[0., 0., 90000.], [0., 85000., 0.]]) # (µm) >>> sphere_model = FourSphereVolumeConductor(r_electrodes, radii, >>> sigmas) >>> # current dipole moment >>> p = np.array([[10.]*10, [10.]*10, [10.]*10]) # 10 timesteps (nA µm) >>> dipole_location = np.array([0., 0., 78000.]) # (µm) >>> # compute potential >>> sphere_model.get_dipole_potential(p, dipole_location) # (mV) array([[1.06247669e-08, 1.06247669e-08, 1.06247669e-08, 1.06247669e-08, 1.06247669e-08, 1.06247669e-08, 1.06247669e-08, 1.06247669e-08, 1.06247669e-08, 1.06247669e-08], [2.39290752e-10, 2.39290752e-10, 2.39290752e-10, 2.39290752e-10, 2.39290752e-10, 2.39290752e-10, 2.39290752e-10, 2.39290752e-10, 2.39290752e-10, 2.39290752e-10]]) """ def __init__(self, r_electrodes, radii=None, sigmas=None, iter_factor=2. / 99. * 1e-6): """ Initialize class FourSphereVolumeConductor """ if radii is None: radii = [79000., 80000., 85000., 90000.] if sigmas is None: sigmas = [0.3, 1.5, 0.015, 0.3] super().__init__(r_electrodes=r_electrodes, radii=radii, sigmas=sigmas, iter_factor=iter_factor)
[docs] def get_dipole_potential_from_multi_dipoles(self, cell, timepoints=None): """ Return electric potential from multiple current dipoles from cell. By multiple current dipoles we mean the dipoles computed from all axial currents in a neuron simulation, typically two axial currents per segment, except for the root segment. Parameters ---------- cell: LFPy Cell object, LFPy.Cell timepoints: ndarray, dtype=int array of timepoints at which you want to compute the electric potential. Defaults to None. If not given, all simulation timesteps will be included. Returns ------- potential: ndarray, dtype=float Shape (n_contacts, n_timesteps) array containing the electric potential at contact point(s) electrode_locs in units of [mV] for all timesteps of neuron simulation. Examples -------- Compute extracellular potential from neuron simulation in four-sphere head model. Instead of simplifying the neural activity to a single dipole, we compute the contribution from every multi dipole from all axial currents in neuron simulation: >>> import os >>> import LFPy >>> from LFPy import FourSphereVolumeConductor >>> import numpy as np >>> cell = LFPy.Cell(os.path.join(LFPy.__path__[0], 'test', >>> 'ball_and_sticks.hoc'), >>> v_init=-65, cm=1., Ra=150, >>> passive=True, >>> passive_parameters=dict(g_pas=1/1E4, e_pas=-65)) >>> syn = LFPy.Synapse(cell, idx=cell.get_closest_idx(0,0,100), >>> syntype='ExpSyn', e=0., tau=1., weight=0.001) >>> syn.set_spike_times(np.mgrid[20:100:20]) >>> cell.simulate(rec_vmem=True, rec_imem=False) >>> cell.set_pos(0, 0, 78800) >>> radii = [79000., 80000., 85000., 90000.] >>> sigmas = [0.3, 1.5, 0.015, 0.3] >>> r_electrodes = np.array([[0., 0., 90000.]]) >>> MD_4s = FourSphereVolumeConductor(r_electrodes=r_electrodes, >>> radii=radii, >>> sigmas=sigmas) >>> phi = MD_4s.get_dipole_potential_from_multi_dipoles(cell) """ multi_p, multi_p_locs = cell.get_multi_current_dipole_moments( timepoints) N_elec = self.rxyz.shape[0] Ni, _, Nt = multi_p.shape potential = np.zeros((N_elec, Nt)) for i in range(Ni): pot = self.get_dipole_potential(multi_p[i], multi_p_locs[i]) potential += pot return potential
[docs]class InfiniteVolumeConductor(lfpykit.eegmegcalc.InfiniteVolumeConductor): """ Main class for computing extracellular potentials with current dipole moment :math:`\\mathbf{P}` in an infinite 3D volume conductor model that assumes homogeneous, isotropic, linear (frequency independent) conductivity :math:`\\sigma`. The potential :math:`V` is computed as [1]_: .. math:: V = \\frac{\\mathbf{P} \\cdot \\mathbf{r}}{4 \\pi \\sigma r^3} Parameters ---------- sigma: float Electrical conductivity in extracellular space in units of (S/cm) See also -------- FourSphereVolumeConductor MEG References ---------- .. [1] Nunez and Srinivasan, Oxford University Press, 2006 Examples -------- Computing the potential from dipole moment valid in the far field limit. Theta correspond to the dipole alignment angle from the vertical z-axis: >>> from lfpykit.eegmegcalc import InfiniteVolumeConductor >>> import numpy as np >>> inf_model = InfiniteVolumeConductor(sigma=0.3) >>> p = np.array([[10.], [10.], [10.]]) # [nA µm] >>> r = np.array([[1000., 0., 5000.]]) # [µm] >>> inf_model.get_dipole_potential(p, r) # [mV] array([[1.20049432e-07]]) """ def __init__(self, sigma=0.3): """ Initialize class InfiniteVolumeConductor """ super().__init__(sigma=sigma)
[docs] def get_multi_dipole_potential(self, cell, electrode_locs, timepoints=None): """ Return electric potential from multiple current dipoles from cell The multiple current dipoles corresponds to dipoles computed from all axial currents in a neuron simulation, typically two axial currents per segment, excluding the root segment. Parameters ---------- cell: LFPy.Cell object electrode_locs: ndarray, dtype=float Shape (n_contacts, 3) array containing n_contacts electrode locations in cartesian coordinates in units of [µm]. All ``r_el`` in electrode_locs must be placed so that ``|r_el|`` is less than or equal to scalp radius and larger than the distance between dipole and sphere center: ``|rz| < |r_el| <= radii[3]``. timepoints: ndarray, dtype=int array of timepoints at which you want to compute the electric potential. Defaults to None. If not given, all simulation timesteps will be included. Returns ------- potential: ndarray, dtype=float Shape (n_contacts, n_timesteps) array containing the electric potential at contact point(s) electrode_locs in units of [mV] for all timesteps of neuron simulation Examples -------- Compute extracellular potential from neuron simulation in four-sphere head model. Instead of simplifying the neural activity to a single dipole, we compute the contribution from every multi dipole from all axial currents in neuron simulation: >>> import LFPy >>> from lfpykit.eegmegcalc import InfiniteVolumeConductor >>> import numpy as np >>> cell = LFPy.Cell('PATH/TO/MORPHOLOGY', extracellular=False) >>> syn = LFPy.Synapse(cell, idx=cell.get_closest_idx(0,0,100), >>> syntype='ExpSyn', e=0., tau=1., weight=0.001) >>> syn.set_spike_times(np.mgrid[20:100:20]) >>> cell.simulate(rec_vmem=True, rec_imem=False) >>> sigma = 0.3 >>> timepoints = np.array([10, 20, 50, 100]) >>> electrode_locs = np.array([[50., -50., 250.]]) >>> MD_INF = InfiniteVolumeConductor(sigma) >>> phi = MD_INF.get_multi_dipole_potential(cell, electrode_locs, >>> timepoints = timepoints) """ multi_p, multi_p_locs = cell.get_multi_current_dipole_moments( timepoints=timepoints) N_elec = electrode_locs.shape[0] Ni, _, Nt = multi_p.shape potentials = np.zeros((N_elec, Nt)) for i in range(Ni): p = multi_p[i] r = electrode_locs - multi_p_locs[i] pot = self.get_dipole_potential(p, r) potentials += pot return potentials
[docs]class InfiniteHomogeneousVolCondMEG( lfpykit.eegmegcalc.InfiniteHomogeneousVolCondMEG): """ Basic class for computing magnetic field from current dipole moment. For this purpose we use the Biot-Savart law derived from Maxwell's equations under the assumption of negligible magnetic induction effects [1]_: .. math:: \\mathbf{H} = \\frac{\\mathbf{p} \\times \\mathbf{R}}{4 \\pi R^3} where :math:`\\mathbf{p}` is the current dipole moment, :math:`\\mathbf{R}` the vector between dipole source location and measurement location, and :math:`R=|\\mathbf{R}|` Note that the magnetic field :math:`\\mathbf{H}` is related to the magnetic field :math:`\\mathbf{B}` as .. math:: \\mu_0 \\mathbf{H} = \\mathbf{B}-\\mathbf{M} where :math:`\\mu_0` is the permeability of free space (very close to permebility of biological tissues). :math:`\\mathbf{M}` denotes material magnetization (also ignored) Parameters ---------- sensor_locations: ndarray, dtype=float shape (n_locations x 3) array with x,y,z-locations of measurement devices where magnetic field of current dipole moments is calculated. In unit of [µm] mu: float Permeability. Default is permeability of vacuum (:math:`\\mu_0 = 4*\\pi*10^{-7}` T*m/A) See also -------- FourSphereVolumeConductor InfiniteVolumeConductor References ---------- .. [1] Nunez and Srinivasan, Oxford University Press, 2006 Examples -------- Define cell object, create synapse, compute current dipole moment: >>> import LFPy, os, numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from LFPy import InfiniteHomogeneousVolCondMEG as MEG >>> from LFPy import CurrentDipoleMoment >>> # create LFPy.Cell object >>> cell = LFPy.Cell(morphology=os.path.join(LFPy.__path__[0], 'test', >>> 'ball_and_sticks.hoc'), >>> passive=True) >>> cell.set_pos(0., 0., 0.) >>> # create single synaptic stimuli at soma (idx=0) >>> syn = LFPy.Synapse(cell, idx=0, syntype='ExpSyn', weight=0.01, tau=5, >>> record_current=True) >>> syn.set_spike_times_w_netstim() >>> # simulate, record current dipole moment >>> cdm = CurrentDipoleMoment(cell=cell) >>> cell.simulate(probes=[cdm]) >>> # Compute the dipole location as an average of segment locations >>> # weighted by membrane area: >>> dipole_location = (cell.area * np.c_[cell.x.mean(axis=1), >>> cell.y.mean(axis=1), >>> cell.z.mean(axis=1)].T >>> / cell.area.sum()).sum(axis=1) >>> # Define sensor site, instantiate MEG object, get transformation matrix >>> sensor_locations = np.array([[1E4, 0, 0]]) >>> meg = MEG(sensor_locations) >>> M = meg.get_transformation_matrix(dipole_location) >>> # compute the magnetic signal in a single sensor location: >>> H = M @ >>> # plot output >>> plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8), dpi=120) >>> plt.subplot(311) >>> plt.plot(cell.tvec, cell.somav) >>> plt.ylabel(r'$V_{soma}$ (mV)') >>> plt.subplot(312) >>> plt.plot(cell.tvec, syn.i) >>> plt.ylabel(r'$I_{syn}$ (nA)') >>> plt.subplot(313) >>> plt.plot(cell.tvec, H[0].T) >>> plt.ylabel(r'$H$ (nA/um)') >>> plt.xlabel('$t$ (ms)') >>> plt.legend(['$H_x$', '$H_y$', '$H_z$']) >>> Raises ------ AssertionError If dimensionality of sensor_locations is wrong """ def __init__(self, sensor_locations, mu=4 * np.pi * 1E-7): super().__init__(sensor_locations=sensor_locations, mu=mu)
[docs] def calculate_H_from_iaxial(self, cell): """ Computes the magnetic field in space from axial currents computed from membrane potential values and axial resistances of multicompartment cells. See [1]_ for details on the biophysics governing magnetic fields from axial currents. Parameters ---------- cell: object LFPy.Cell-like object. Must have attribute vmem containing recorded membrane potentials in units of mV References ---------- .. [1] Blagoev et al. (2007) Modelling the magnetic signature of neuronal tissue. NeuroImage 37 (2007) 137–148 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.04.033 Examples -------- Define cell object, create synapse, compute current dipole moment: >>> import LFPy, os, numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from LFPy import InfiniteHomogeneousVolCondMEG as MEG >>> cell = LFPy.Cell(morphology=os.path.join(LFPy.__path__[0], 'test', >>> 'ball_and_sticks.hoc'), >>> passive=True) >>> cell.set_pos(0., 0., 0.) >>> syn = LFPy.Synapse(cell, idx=0, syntype='ExpSyn', weight=0.01, >>> record_current=True) >>> syn.set_spike_times_w_netstim() >>> cell.simulate(rec_vmem=True) >>> # Instantiate the MEG object, compute and plot the magnetic >>> # signal in a sensor location: >>> sensor_locations = np.array([[1E4, 0, 0]]) >>> meg = MEG(sensor_locations) >>> H = meg.calculate_H_from_iaxial(cell) >>> plt.subplot(311) >>> plt.plot(cell.tvec, cell.somav) >>> plt.subplot(312) >>> plt.plot(cell.tvec, syn.i) >>> plt.subplot(313) >>> plt.plot(cell.tvec, H[0, 1, :]) # y-component >>> Returns ------- H: ndarray, dtype=float shape (n_locations x 3 x n_timesteps) array with x,y,z-components of the magnetic field :math:`\\mathbf{H}` in units of (nA/µm) """ i_axial, d_vectors, pos_vectors = cell.get_axial_currents_from_vmem() R = self.sensor_locations F = np.zeros((R.shape[0], 3, i_axial.shape[0])) for i, R_ in enumerate(R): r_rel = R_ - pos_vectors F[i, ] = np.cross(d_vectors.T, r_rel).T / \ (4 * np.pi * np.linalg.norm(r_rel, axis=-1)**3) return F @ i_axial
[docs]class SphericallySymmetricVolCondMEG( lfpykit.eegmegcalc.SphericallySymmetricVolCondMEG): """Computes magnetic fields from current dipole in spherically-symmetric volume conductor models. This class facilitates calculations according to eq. (34) from [1]_ (see also [2]_) defined as: .. math:: \\mathbf{H} = \\frac{1}{4 \\pi} \\frac{F \\mathbf{p} \\times \\mathbf{r}_p - (\\mathbf{p} \\times \\mathbf{r}_p \\cdot \\mathbf{r}) \\nabla F}{F^2}, \\text{ where} F = a(ra + r^2 - \\mathbf{r}_p \\cdot \\mathbf{r}), \\nabla F = (r^{-1}a^2 + a^{-1}\\mathbf{a} \\cdot \\mathbf{r} + 2a + 2r)\\mathbf{r} -(a + 2r + a^{-1}\\mathbf{a} \\cdot \\mathbf{r})\\mathbf{r}_p, \\mathbf{a} = \\mathbf{r} - \\mathbf{r}_p, a = |\\mathbf{a}|, r = |\\mathbf{r}| . Here, :math:`\\mathbf{p}` is the current dipole moment, :math:`\\mathbf{r}` the measurement location(s) and :math:`\\mathbf{r}_p` the current dipole location. Note that the magnetic field :math:`\\mathbf{H}` is related to the magnetic field :math:`\\mathbf{B}` as .. math:: \\mu_0 \\mathbf{H} = \\mathbf{B}-\\mathbf{M} , where :math:`\\mu_0` denotes the permeability of free space (very close to permebility of biological tissues). :math:`\\mathbf{M}` denotes material magnetization (which is ignored). Parameters ---------- r: ndarray sensor locations, shape ``(n, 3)`` where ``n`` denotes number of locations, unit [µm] mu: float Permeability. Default is permeability of vacuum (:math:`\\mu_0 = 4\\pi 10^{-7}` Tm/A) See also -------- InfiniteHomogeneousVolCondMEG Examples -------- Compute the magnetic field from a current dipole located >>> import numpy as np >>> from LFPy import SphericallySymmetricVolCondMEG >>> p = np.array([[0, 1, 0]]).T # tangential current dipole (nAµm) >>> r_p = np.array([0, 0, 90000]) # dipole location (µm) >>> r = np.array([[0, 0, 92000]]) # measurement location (µm) >>> m = SphericallySymmetricVolCondMEG(r=r) >>> M = m.get_transformation_matrix(r_p=r_p) >>> H = M @ p >>> H # magnetic field (nA/µm) array([[[9.73094081e-09], [0.00000000e+00], [0.00000000e+00]]]) References ---------- .. [1] Hämäläinen M., et al., Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 65, No. 2, April 1993. .. [2] Sarvas J., Phys.Med. Biol., 1987, Vol. 32, No 1, 11-22. Raises ------ AssertionError If dimensionality of sensor locations ``r`` is wrong """ def __init__(self, r, mu=4 * np.pi * 1E-7): super().__init__(r=r, mu=mu)
[docs] def calculate_H_from_iaxial(self, cell): """ Computes the magnetic field in space from axial currents computed from membrane potential values and axial resistances of multicompartment cells. See [1]_ for details on the biophysics governing magnetic fields from axial currents. Parameters ---------- cell: object LFPy.Cell-like object. Must have attribute vmem containing recorded membrane potentials in units of mV References ---------- .. [1] Blagoev et al. (2007) Modelling the magnetic signature of neuronal tissue. NeuroImage 37 (2007) 137–148 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2007.04.033 Examples -------- Define cell object, create synapse, compute current dipole moment: >>> import LFPy, os, numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from LFPy import SphericallySymmetricVolCondMEG as MEG >>> cell = LFPy.Cell(morphology=os.path.join(LFPy.__path__[0], 'test', >>> 'ball_and_sticks.hoc'), >>> passive=True) >>> cell.set_pos(0., 0., 0.) >>> syn = LFPy.Synapse(cell, idx=0, syntype='ExpSyn', weight=0.01, >>> record_current=True) >>> syn.set_spike_times_w_netstim() >>> cell.simulate(rec_vmem=True) >>> # Instantiate the MEG object, compute and plot the magnetic >>> # signal in a sensor location: >>> r = np.array([[1E4, 0, 0]]) >>> meg = MEG(r) >>> H = meg.calculate_H_from_iaxial(cell) >>> plt.subplot(311) >>> plt.plot(cell.tvec, cell.somav) >>> plt.subplot(312) >>> plt.plot(cell.tvec, syn.i) >>> plt.subplot(313) >>> plt.plot(cell.tvec, H[0, 1, :]) # y-component >>> Returns ------- H: ndarray, dtype=float shape (n_locations x 3 x n_timesteps) array with x,y,z-components of the magnetic field :math:`\\mathbf{H}` in units of (nA/µm) """ i_axial, d_vectors, pos_vectors = cell.get_axial_currents_from_vmem() R = self.sensor_locations F = np.zeros((R.shape[0], 3, i_axial.shape[0])) # TODO: Need to implement same formulas as in parent class # lfpykit.InfiniteHomogeneousVolCondMEG.get_transformation_matrix # Raising an NotImplementedError until # # has been properly dealt with. msg = f'{self.__str__}.calculate_H_from_iaxial() not implemented (cf. issue#436)' raise NotImplementedError(msg)
# for i, R_ in enumerate(R): # r_rel = R_ - pos_vectors # F[i, ] = np.cross(d_vectors.T, r_rel).T / \ # (4 * np.pi * np.linalg.norm(r_rel, axis=-1)**3) # return F @ i_axial